New York! Come on in!

New York! Come on in!

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Alysson Bermúdez

MW; 716

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Fuck jew York. Faggiest state in the union behind California. You faggots, New Jersey, and California should be removed and left to fend for yourself. No-gun cocksuckers.

isnt everyone there dead?

716 lori

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Ok boomer.

MW; 716

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More of my girl crush ariana

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cord has some gold; super organized. need to follow exact rules

New York girls a fuckin ugly. Just like bitches from Jersey.

and which neckbeard state are you from?


Anything on Beckie F? Long Island

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Definitely nowhere in the northeast. The northeast is the biggest shithole in the fucking country.
>people packed in like sardines
>crumbling infrastructure
>abandoned buildings
>trash everywhere
>retarded liberal policies
>niggers everywhere
>everyone is rude
>taxes out the ass

Why anyone chooses to live in the northeast is beyond me.


How about:
>people that are actually educated with high paying jobs
>great food
>friendly culture
>home to a world class city
>amazing nature

If any new yorkers were rude to you, that's because you probably have zero social skills

Shameless bump

Meh isn't Detroit a bigger nigga place?

Lol, found the reddit faggot.

Eve M. 845

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suck my dick my nigga

>people that are actually educated
Just because someone is educated doesnt make them intelligent.
>great food
Literally none originating in the state
>friendly culture
>home to a world class city
Yeah. A city filled with crime and niggers and trash everywhere. Sounds amazing user. I'm sure Baltimore is great too, fucking idiot.


I'm sure your hick friends who barely graduated high school are "intelligent" huh? Listen, do me a favor. Wear a rubber when you're fucking your sister because the last thing we need is more of your kind.

NYC does not in the least represent NY as a state, it's like 1% of the reality of our state, yeah our state government is shit and
NYC is literal garbage but the rest of the state is fucking great.

315 dead or alive

Anyone got Axie G?

More 845?

Theres that shitty coastal elitism the rest of the country hates about you faggots. Fuck New York and fuck you, liberal faggot cocksucker. I hope your landlord raises the rent on your shitty studio apartment in niggerville by another 1000. I hope you get mugged by 3 homeless niggers when you're walking home from the shitty grocery store. I hope all your favorite "food spots" close the fuck down because of the virus. I hope that shit keeps spreading in that shithole city, and all of you faggots get infected.

Skye Joyce 845

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This is a thread for nudes you clown, not about the pros and cons of New York. Take your geo political chicken shit bullshit somewhere else retard.

Any SUNY New Paltz?

You sure sound butt hurt. Okay, I'll be chilling in my nice, cheap, spacious and luxurious apartment. I'll be earning money at the same time because I'm still employed by a company that's not gamestop or bojangles unlike your sorry ass lol hope u get the beer flu

shut the fuck up and lick my dick cheese lol

Lol, I'm still getting paid during the lockdown. Have fun paying off your student debt in your studio apartment faggot.