Attached: suicide 1.webm (740x420, 1.29M)

Other urls found in this thread:

post 3 faggot

Attached: 1581192297233.webm (656x352, 1.95M)

Attached: head chop chop.webm (1920x1080, 817.66K)

Attached: destroyed.webm (576x842, 1.36M)

wait, did the guy manage to escape? is this britain?

I feel bad for the shooting range

the Netherlands! Shame!

Wow what a shit dog


i do not honestly know but he was beaten the fuck out of

doggo deserves the medal of honor, the only useful one in the group. It's too bad he didn't tear that sandmoney's throat out

Can someone give us a rundown on this one? I ain't watching it based on the thumbnail.
You can judge society based on their treatment of helpless animals.

same i was scared as well, but she kisses the cat and the cat kisses back

I'm not surprised when people kill themselves at a shooting range.
These are people who are so pathetic, they can't find a means to kill themselves without fucking over people around them.

It's just a kitten being kissed and it kissing the owner back super cute

It's probably going to be the cutest thing you see all week

Attached: guy gets ran over by tank.webm (1024x576, 1.36M)

>comes to a rekt thread
>afraid he might see rekt

The faggotry never stops on this stupid site.

why do you come here if you can't handle the reality of what is going on in the world? Cats have killed more sentient beings than the human race.

I like my violence a bit more on the patrician side.

Holy fuck why did she start with the eyes, what a piece of shit

>Judge society
I suggest you don't watch it then fag

Attached: pitbull_mauls_infant.webm (400x400, 1.26M)

what the hell this pitbull destroyed the baby, it even chewed on its bones

go to wholesome thread

>it even chewed on its bones

do you read at a third grade level? serious bait

Keep it humans only, this is fucked!

lmao I was thinking exactly the same, user must be 13 yo


Attached: 1585540501781.jpg (640x480, 23.21K)

holy shit brutal man

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

You have to go back...

Attached: 1585540115377.gif (288x214, 396.92K)

well, thank you for this amazing video, i would love to see humans die tho

Attached: 1581139596792.webm (202x360, 281.17K)

this guy is brave

Attached: dead cat 2.jpg (336x448, 54.44K)

Attached: 1577818668020.webm (640x480, 1.46M)

Attached: 1586222607865.webm (458x430, 794.4K)

The black hand of evil

Classic. That kid's gotta be in college by now.
The dog probably died a few years ago.

>not raping the girl first

Chances are they told him something like "if you run we are gonna burn you instead"

you see the guy they just killed at walmart in america? lol

"what? did you think i'd just keel over and die pussy?"

Lol nice.

Attached: 1585540610261m.jpg (1024x999, 140.64K)

>t. sociopaths

where do you think you are faggot?

For fucks sake... that's wretched even for a Rekt.

TLL Beetle Bailey

Attached: Beetle Bailey.jpg (474x140, 23.15K)

1. old as fuck
2. you saved a thumbnail

please, go die some nasty death

Attached: 1421945735212.jpg (639x600, 80.99K)

Attached: 1586902239558.webm (700x392, 1.12M)

Shut the fuck up you fucking moralfag, you are the normi cancer that has killed b.

Here, have a video of a kitty getting boiled water and get the fuck back to your fucking containment cancer site redit where you fucking belong-

Attached: 204109.jpg (615x857, 100.16K)

Holy shit this is not the first cat she eats alive
We truly live in purgatory

Attached: 1586306637536.jpg (640x356, 25.48K)


you're a sociopath

>t. sociopath

If he wouldn't have jumped from the ladder.

Why would something like this appeal to you?
I'm sorry for your childhood problems.

edgy xD
bet you're loving the schools being closed, you can't get bullied by the bigger boys, or ignored by literally any girl.

Imagine being so gay you post a link instead of downloading the video and make a webm lmao
you trying to sound edgy but you are a total faggot

Wrong board nigger

What fucking coward.

>bongistan police

i know right
"please visit this link i found so you can think i'm hardcore"

That's a great range officer. Calm and collected, made sure all firearms, even the dead mans, safe.

He needs a medal for that one.

the absolute state of fucking europe. holy shit.

Attached: 1509073812611.gif (250x249, 1.51M)

> Old as fuck black inspirational meme template from 2010
>You posted a non-rekt instead of fucking contributing
>Doesn't know how to green post

Please, go play in traffic you fucking newfag

Attached: sexual-abuse-female-corpse-morgue-07-659x1024.jpg (659x1024, 58.41K)

lmao total incel material right there

dude wtf


Fuckin hell don’t think I’m going to sleep tonight after watching that shit absolutely repulsive and degenerate

Attached: AC57AFF0-6933-48AC-BFB4-B4EC92F27298.jpg (1024x779, 96.99K)