What celebs that you thought were really hot...

What celebs that you thought were really hot, but then when they had a nude scene that showed their tits you were really disappointed?

>pic related
>ScarJo in Under the Skin

I thought they were much bigger and perkier, and more even sized.

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Sarah Silverman

Opposite answer:
Kate Micucci
Holy shit she looks way better than expected topless


Forget her name but the actress with pancake tits on got

I got you, family.

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All of them you dumb fuck, none of them get naked when you WANT to see them naked. They either wait until they need to re-spark interest in their careers or they do it to jump start their careers which is usually during a time where their health is suffering due to a lack of funds.

Oh god those are terrible, that poor girl.

fuck you, we'd all still fuck her.

That's catenary, not pancake.
Bunch of fuckin twelve-year-olds around here.

she got them reduced a few years ago. wish there were nudes of the pre-operation.

We'd all fuck most ugly chicks, whether or not someone is fuckable is not any sort of meaningful standard.

She lost a lot of body fat with the constant training for action movies for so many years m8

people's appearance is never absolute, most of the time you have to look at what can be and not at what is.
That being said, she looks like a Disney princess and by that I mean she's very flawless in every other way. Tits are only things that come with health and if she cares enough to go to the extent of getting them; implants.

ok simp

I don't see anything wrong with these.

both of these were shockingly sad.

I think that's because Scarjo had her implants removed before she did that scene. I was bitterly disappointed too user.

don't you simp me you fuckin word of the day retard

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If you look closely, ScarJo has a classic merchant man mouth. She is actually kind of ugly.

What the fuck happened to those?


>I don't see anything wrong with these.

Because you didn't know they used to look like this.

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That is more than gravity. They are not sagging, they are shriveled like raisins. Did she have kids?

what in the fuck kind of reach is that bullshit?

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Dumbass she is wearing a bra there. They look fine naked

Here for this

That's called living life and not obsessing over what you look like. Youth and exercise make people look amazing, but when they do, you never get to see them naked because that shit has value and unless you're gonna pay, and pay big, they're not gonna show.

$$$ bitch
check in with her in a few years

i remember i expected them to be perkier and not that flat
still would

Kate showed plenty when she was younger and her tits were not completely ruined.

First thing I thought too. She looked better walking away low from camera in jeans. But also Hale Berry, who I was never really that into but just terrible:

Attached: halle berry swordfish.jpg (366x314, 16.91K)