H3h3 is cancelled fuck that idiot and his ugly wife
Parker Jackson
excuse me i'm not into youtuber trashy drama. What's the story?
David Cook
i think hila is hot
Ryder Harris
Hila went fucking nuts and decided that she wants gender reassignment surgery and did it and now they're In debt
Luis Thomas
Indian man calls out Jewish man for being a stingy bastard and “donation shaming” rich guys for not donating more, while he donated 1k, is relatively rich, and has a defunct fund that was to help people fight false claims on YouTube to some extent. Later Jewish man decides to donate after getting dicked by Indian man in a video and twitter and decides to coincidently donate the next day or next days.
Nathaniel Williams
She looks like a guy with autism
Jordan Watson
Nice b8 m8 but it's not gonna work on Yas Forums
Justin Kelly
Ok, so why is OP butthurt?
Colton Hernandez
Are you saying rich people should be obligated to donate more than a million dollars? Or are you saying why does anyone care about donation shaming? Either way I disagree and think that shaming any portion of money is just being a shitty human, like yes you could boast about how much you donate, but as one of the oldest stories told about a widow in god’s temple, you should give what you feel is responsible or what you feel obligated to.
Sebastian Gutierrez
Idk, maybe personally attacked by someone who thinks his idea of ‘owning’ someone is by comparing what numbers someone has vs what they give as a good testament to their person. If I donate a dollar that’s a dollar to a good cause even if I make xxx,000 a year or more.
David Long
I don't see why this is a hard concept to understand. The extremely wealthy do not have to work for a living like the every man. All their income is disposable income. They should be held to a higher standard and expected to contribute more.
Raw amounts mean nothing, it should be calculated as percentage, just like taxes.
>Broke bitches defending billionaires thinking they'll one day be one too You won't
Zachary Edwards
but what if a hotel owner's estimated wealth is 2mil and all of those money are hypothetically invested 100% in hotel and the fucker has about 0 money left to give to some charity?
Jose Ward
Boo hoo, the rich get richer smh There are plenty of reasons to not want to spend money, future business ideas, fallback for a current business, future projects planned, etc. if you are so triggered about rich people then go live in some poor communist estate and see how you love it while the rest of the world keeps turning and the government takes that money and still doesn’t do charitable work with it kek
Xavier Ortiz
this. don't be fucking stupid. the money they donate to taxes gets shitted up in stupid programs in the first fucking place, secondly just because people have worked hard for money does not mean they have to give back to people who are too worthless to get a job. grow the fuck up faggot.
Aaron Clark
Not donating is the same as following the role of a the proletariat being kept down by the bourgeoisie.
You two are the definition of commies. Stupid red, chink eye, midgets.
Adam Anderson
i fucking hate this world anymore
Mason Murphy
If someone has 100% of their own money being used as operating costs for the business, then clearly they are not part of the "extremely wealthy" class I was referring too.
>Jeff Bezos will use his own income for growing Amazon and starting new businesses
Are you for fucking real. Do you actually know how large business work or do you just watch fox news propaganda all day? None of billionaire personal wealth is going towards these goals, that's all done with VC money. Billionaire personal wealth is just being hoarded to devalue the labor of the majority of people.
Blake Sanders
I think you misheard or don’t know about the lack of charitable work historically commie governments do. Anyway, if you aren’t passionate about donating, and empathizing with those who lost jobs or businesses have shut down, then how can you expect the same from some random billionaires who could give 2 shits less. Your lack of consistency and logic is baffling, your ideology childish. If this was a bait the good job, but I do think you are being honest and I hope you are able to see your hypocrisy right there
Evan Morgan
No, I used to work very closely with a known billionaire inventor, with access to his office space as a well trusted worker. Yes parts of what you say are true but parts of it are exaggerated conspiracy. There is no easy solution to everything, and this is a poor way to vent your frustrations if you think donation shaming or mandating is the exact thing that should be done. And no, tv news rots your brains like your parents should have taught you
Michael Williams
Well hear comes a surprise. I'm Elon Musk, so what now huh? I've been knowing about this lifestlye, I LIVE IT!
Samuel Morris
I don't get why people defend billionaires over stupid shit, yeah it's cool that Jeff Bezos donated a 100 mil BUT it's fucked up how he treats his employees and all that bullshit anti-union propaganda he shows them
Dylan Cruz
hi Elon-chan!!! can you put solar panels on my home?
Logan Anderson
When are you launching the halo warthog truck into mars’ atmosphere
James Perry
Why do they have to contribute more if they get the same government services as everyone else?
Liam Roberts
No retard. No one cares how much you fucking donate besides broke retards like you.