COVID-19 isn't a fucking game. Take it seriously, shelter-in-place, stop being selfish and short-sighted...

COVID-19 isn't a fucking game. Take it seriously, shelter-in-place, stop being selfish and short-sighted, and we'll get through this quicker.

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Fuck off woman

Just keep worrying, Karen. There's less chance of dying from the WuFlu than the depression we're creating.

>not wanting people to die
Fucking faggot, we either catch if, survive and move on or we fucking die. Who gives a shit

Went on his sisters page. People are roasting this boomer in backhanded ways “sorry for your loss, shouldve stayed home

The Case Fatality Rate for Covid-19 for individuals between 18-35 (primary labour force) with no pre-existing respiratory or auto-immune conditions is roughly .1-.2%.
However, it seems that the infection rate is roughly 20x greater than that. Therefore, the true case fatality rate of Covid-19 for that age group is roughly .005%-.01%. In other words, the the death rate is 1 in 10000 to 1 in 20000.

Did you know that??

America, greatest country on earth, brought to its knees by coronavirus. Meanwhile Germany is already starting to reopen businesses this week and over the coming month, while having reduced the spread of the virus to manageable levels.

Amerifats BTFO

He lived his life.

It is not the length of life that matters.

Americans hate thinking about others.
America is all about me, me, me

Fuck off nigger. So what if I'm infected? This is the best time to rid your communities of the nasty vermin that is your common kike.

Germany is a country, that in spite of it's best efforts, is still mostly filled with educated, industrious whites. So no shit they are doing better.

We're only brought to our knees because of hysterical faggotry from people who want to be like you guys. We're already opening things up again.

> It's not the length it's how you use it
Lol small life virgin detected

Good riddance the more boomer republicans dead the better lol

>it’s just the flu!

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He didn't die peacefully if he had covid.
Quite the opposite in fact.

You do understand the things that make Germany so much better to live in are the things you Americans despise. Who would've guessed having free education makes a population more educated, and who would've guessed having an educated population is useful in a situation like this

The fuck are you talking about?

Fuck off blue states die more

Meanwhile a bunch of white fucks literally protest for "their rights" on American soil.

How do you propose we do that OP?

>doesn't understand per capita

If you're so damn educated, why do you STILL have kikes in your population? That toxic virus should have been eradicated eons ago & yet they're still here.

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Plus they don't have a reality TV personality as their leader.
That probably helps lol

As an American, we have a constitution that's supposed to guarantee us certain freedoms. The government is always trying to erode those freedoms. So when the government comes out and starts trying to force you to do things, some of us Americans naturally want to resist it, to preserve our constitutional rights. That's the real issue.

Its natural section, let the the trumptards sort themselves out of the genepool.

Yes, filthy mutts, not members the most industrious, efficient people in history.

News flash, you fuckers are the ones who stopped us doing that. Go an hero.

Pretty great ylyl material if you ask me

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Look Mom, another asshole!


We don't have one because we're not as stupid as most Americans.


John sounds like a bitch, enjoy death you faggot.

nah, fuck them, let Darwin take over. Let the right wingers mingle and weep over their "economy" monopoly game, sustained on printed money.


Well, sure. I haven’t worked for almost 2 months now, and even though I’m very quickly running out of money while bills are stacking I’ll stay in until this whole thing is done. I just don’t like some countries making use of the opportunity to install totalitarian regimes, that will eventually stress an already failing global economy.

choked like the greedy bitch he was

Interesting fact, most other countries also have a constitution. But thank you for explaining it again retard

We let women have a vote and a voice, that's our true downfall. That and not sidding with Hitler, fucking kikes.

No, retard.

What is herd immunity?

Ass could be better, but not bad.

Retard, the death rate is 20% in USA now.

NWO is coming, we should have listened to Alex Jones.

It's 40% when you look at closed cases

Gods justice is a blessing

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These are pure gold. And there will be more

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You're about to reach a million cases you delusional fucking retard. You aren't opening shit and because of all the dumb protests this weekend your case numbers are about to sky rocket.

>I just don’t like some countries making use of the opportunity to install totalitarian regimes

no way, where is that happening?!

It's actually 100%, the news isn't reporting it, you're going to die from it, it just make take a few years and you may live to 100 but it's going to kill you and you're going to die.

Maybe. I’m not sure about anything anymore. What I do know is that Hungary is on the brink of a revolt. Maybe it’s for the best, and maybe china follows suit. It’s been a long time since we had a war.

Why is trying to preserve ones freedoms being an asshole? If you, or anyone else, wants to stay at home do it. Why does the government have to force it and arrest those that don't comply with their every whim?

Fuck kikes, but he is correct.

It's when millions die because 90%+ need to get it, dumbass.

Certain freedoms become immoral when they restrict the freedom of those around you.

Shut the fuck up lol

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Kekerino its just one month in both cases


Wow great response. The outcome is actually 40% death for closed cases, way higher than other countries.

Hungary is well on it’s way. China was always close but is now getting even closer. I think the USA is on the tracks but can still be saved by levelheaded people.

Do you know what herd immunity means?

Name one example, I'll wait