Does my sister look like a cum slut?

Does my sister look like a cum slut?

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yeah bro, i'd have to pull that top down and titfuck her in front of you.

hell yes


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No. She looks like a regular girl who's about twenty yo. If she's straight she likes cum, 'cause that's what straight girls like. If a guy likes cum he's gay.

Sure, seems like she likes giving rimjobs

By today's standards, she looks pretty wholesome. But at the same time, she does look Built for BBC. We live in a weird world nowadays.

i dont make the rules man sorry. hope she enjoys getting humiliated because I'll be making her eat my ass too. jerkin to your sisters hot body rn

She's mostly straight

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I'm jerking to her too lol

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you ever get to take a peak or feel her up living with her?

She likes not wearing bras. Great nipples

hot, wish i could choke her with my bwc

post a gallery!

dude she looks like THE cum slut. You and she raised in a fuckin trailer? Whatd your parents do? Nah kid I'm busy right now go watch TV. Pathetic

nice rack

a lot of girls don't really like cum, though. i mean, the cum itself. some do, most just put up with it, but few actually really enjoy having it on them or in their mouths, etc.

my dick is going crazy for your sister

Your sister looks like she's got big tits but she's wearing clothes which makes these images and knowledge of her existence useless.
>fuck you

fixed this for you

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i ber her pussy is hairy

and to answer your question,yes.but id fuck the shit out of your sister

yeah man post more

guess not,its still a nice pussy give it a kiss

give us an instagram shes hot af

More cleavage dammit, you went and got me all horny.



>Does my sister look like a cum slut?
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