ever posted some1 who got recongized what happened or saw someone u know what happened? could be for any site
Ever posted some1 who got recongized what happened or saw someone u know what happened? could be for any site
Posted a crush and a dude knew her and had fucked her. Could verify by telling lots of personal shit about her. Got me horny and jealous
Once, showed it her in real life and asked if it was her. She said yeah so I laughed in her face and called her a whore. Made fun of her from time to time about it and she nearly cried each time. Got to feel her up in a Walmart changing room too
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yeahhh it was scary as fuck
been recognized a few times. When I tried to get more info on who they were, they never replied. nothing ever came of it though...
actually here in Yas Forums someone posted a girl who was very well known and well nothing really happened but yeah ive seen it here.
That's anyssa
Mad lad straight said my name.
I hoped the fuck out of the thread and no one ever confronted me irl.
Makes me believe it was someone who went to school with the person but never really talked to me.
Recognized her from class
Yeah. Girl I went to highschool with used to get posted in asian and arizona threads.
Yes I posted a lady from our company, got 2 recognised messages , both knew her .
Got sent more of her by her ex so win win
Nice nips
i used to post pics of an ex (fortunately just clothed pics but they were very flirty lewds). a guy recognized her who claimed to have made out with her and i freaked the fuck out
Got any of her pics saved?
whats the best or hottest way to expose someone? have someone i think is a smokeshow but idk the best way to go about it
Show her
know her?
Ok here
yes. girl from my school (blonde, you’ve probably seen her on here before) got sent around group texts of a bunch of guys that know her. uploaded her to Yas Forums and she caught on like wild fire a few years ago. a bunch of people recognized her she deleted all her social media
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