What is the coolest fact about the Universe?

What is the coolest fact about the Universe?

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OP will die one day.

We still don't know everything about it. There will probably always be mysterious elements of its nature that we won't be able to figure out.

We are all already in the process of dying.

There are more stars in the universe than there are atoms.

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Someone posted this the other day:

Sharpest image of Andromeda Galaxy (our nearest galactic neighbor) ever taken.


Scroll in, every god damn pixel is a star/sun (most of which have planets)

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That it might be infinite

I don't get it.

That's impossible because stars are made of atoms, retard.

The Böotes Void

maybe what he really wanted to say was sand grains on earth

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that we even exist



Very cool

There are more neurons in your brain than there are atoms in the universe.

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it doesnt exist

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That is was created by Jesus for mankind

Did you ever wonder if your Mom gave your Dad a blowjob right before she kissed you good night?

Bet you are now.

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- it was once smaller than an atom. It is now the biggest thing it exist.

- if you look up, you are looking at a photograph. But you can also go inside on it. Like Super Mario 64.
-There is no sound and cannot be touch, nor it looks like the colors your eye perceive. It like black and white. So your senses cannot perceive it.
-the whole thing is moving. Imagine you are holding a coffee cup in a car. The cup carries the coffee, you carry the cup, the car carries you, in a road that never repeats. The highway carries the road so on and so forth.
-we cannot understand its measurements. It is impossible for the brain to understand how enormous it is. Imagine if you have a watch or a clock and somebody tell you to clap once and clap again exactly at 205 hours, 17 minutes and 38 seconds. You would miss the clap... the brain can't perceive time.

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That's landed rovers/robots on another World (Mars).

>pic related

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that we dont know shit about it.


The brain is actually pretty good at perceiving time.

holy shit. Guys, the down syndrome autist is right

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That my phone has way more computing power than some shit we've sent into space. Nuts

I read that somewhere as well. First moon landing was done with very little computing power, less than that of any modern smartphone.

You are now breathing manually.

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There are more bits in your phone than there are atoms in the universe.

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time slows down depending on how fast you move relative to observer

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Time travel is very real

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Happy Birthday To Me
The two Mars exploration robots, Curiosity and Opportunity are both on Mars right now. However, they live on opposite sides of the planet, so they will never run into one another. On its one year anniversary, Curiosity was programmed to sing “Happy Birthday” to itself.

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solar sperm

Sure, we are all time travelers. We can just go in one direction.

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it will end

and still radio silence. Scary as fuck.


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