Got high and shot my shot with the roomate. Outside of the typo, things are looking pretty good...

Got high and shot my shot with the roomate. Outside of the typo, things are looking pretty good. Quarantine is a hell of a thing. Gonna try to snap some pics, she'll be back any moment.

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Excellent work!

Send results to brettfranklin11 on kik

What's the context here? You fucked before sending this message? Wtf are "gummies"?

Weed gummies, boomer

Nice user,

What's she look like

Let’s see the roommate

ask her to fart on your dick

Roommate a guy or girl?

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The most important question

"She'll be back at any moment".


>calling someone a boomer cause hes not familiar with pothead language

with the huge tranny-fanbase on this board I wouldnt be surprised if it went either way

I call bullshit, dumb ass sherlock holmes here. That 4gLTE at the top is the giveaway no service provider uses it anymore

Shitting where you eat... And you are proud of it...

Oh. Right. Fair enough.

I have that exact symbol on my phone right now

To be fair I did say I was a dumb ass

this is a lost one

Uh my phone uses 4gLTE, at least as a stopgap connection

giant w, user

amazing, you're a loser who spends what is probably other peoples money on candy for cretins and then has gay sex with your fag housemates

Pussy is easier then ever now and you go right for the lowest hanging fruit
You Hutterite

Once had a female roommate. Can attest, shitting where you eat is a terrible idea

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OP, just send her this. No context.

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