What are some PS1 games that are still playable today?
I'd like to stay away from first person shooters, or really any game where poor draw distance is an issue. I already know about Resident Evil and k love that. I also like the RPGs.
I just found out about "No One Can Stop Mr Domino" but I can't find a ROM that actually works. Blast Chamber is cool. Some of the side scrolling games are good too.
What are some PS1 games that are still playable today?
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Harry potter and the sorcerers stone.
Any of the pro skater games.
Pong the next level is fun with friends.
>Crash Bandicoot series
>Gex series
>Metal Gear Solid
>Chrono Cross
>Syphon Filter series
Not a fan of anime and was to young to enjoy the Ps1 Era.
Though this game is pretty great. Loved playing it on epsxe. Also Delta Force Urban Warrior is neat.
Also bump for not being spam
Team Buddies
They all are.
if you're into music-related games, vib-ribbon is a good play.
Hogs Of War dude.
U would be suprised at hoe fun it still is
..........Digimon World 1
Crash Bash
Can't find a rom. At least not on vimms lair where I got most of them
I am definitely into the quirky games. I liked Parappa the Rapper, Incredible Crisis.
Any others like vib ribbon?
If u like quirk play LSD Dream Emulator
this is great
Yeah that's very cool
Can't find a rom. I might have to buy a copy
Any other pong like games? I know Pacman world or 3d is pretty good
Speaking of drugs, Galerians is amazing. I didn't know about that until I played it recently
I'm sure it's been mentioned before but Silent Hill holds up really well. I'm a big fan of horror ps1 games, have a large collection of Japan imports, visual novels mostly which really need a translation but there are a lot of great games that hold up like Aconcagua (which has english voice acting so isn't for the most part unplayable but might be more difficult later on) and Philosoma which has a great sequel called Phase Paradox, and then another game with somewhat bad voice acting that I like called Martian Gothic: Unification.
Persona 1
LSD Dream Emulator has a english rom somewhere.
Try CD romance.
U will never find a copy to buy
Like rule of rose for ps2
Medal of honor
I love the soundtrack of this game.
this one
gta 1
Best game on PS1 for me. Didn't get around to playing Suikoden II yet which is said to be even better.
>Battle Hunter
There is no other options
Dave's odyssey
I literally couldn't beat the first dude in this. I don't understand this game at all.
Dino Crisis 1 & 2
Syphon Filter 1-3
Ace Combat 2
Metal Gear Solid
Crash Bandicoot 1-3
Tomb Raider 1-5