Why do you not own an AR-15 Yas Forums?
Pussyass libtards and eurofags need not reply.
Why do you not own an AR-15 Yas Forums?
Pussyass libtards and eurofags need not reply.
Don't want one...what a weird question.
Why don't you own a Chewbacca Pez Dispenser?
Pussyass empiretards and alderaanfags need not reply.
Cause it's a vanity buy.
It's either useless or you actually take it out and shoot at targets, which is a waste of money.
Or worse you own a membership at a shooting range and waste even more money.
If you hunt deer with that thing i'll eat my hat.
Yes im a stupid ass eurolibtard stone me
>he can only afford to buy strictly practical items, never spends money on fun
damn, that must suck bro
>not knowing how to use greentext
Because .243 beats the ever loving shit out of .223
AR15s are Barbies for men. Add a jeep and a beard to get the "Im secure in my masculinity." trifecta.
Who are you quoting?
Why would I?
Because I bought a savage .338
nobody gives 'em for free
that's why
No wonder America has a school shooting every other weekend
use your stimulus check
pussyass libtard found
Why do I need one lol
Because America's economy is collapsing and only the rich can afford to spend money on mildly fun and ultimately useless shit
I don't own an A.R. 15 because I'm not an insecure little tiny dick faggot talking shit in a thread about I'm a tough guy with a fucking boom stick
Are you implying you support school shootings?
You're nothing without your penis extension faggot and I would beat your fucking ass
trips of truth have spoken
Are you implying all gun owners are school shooters?
Fucking retard.
Try me gunshit. Put down the fucking toy first though lmao
It's all you'd ever be good for
>not knowing how to use greentext
Fuckin' tards
why not give me your check smartass?
Go hide in the corner of the room and pray to god.
I heard that works in rampage shootings.
I'm implying that owning a gun is inherently more dangerous to everyone around you and yourself, and could lead to a school shooting if in the wrong hands. I genuinely don't understand why people would ever buy a gun.
Why? Because you don't have a job mommy boy?
Haven't found the need to spend the 1500+ it takes for a quality build. I have
Henry X 45-70
Tikka CTR 6.5
Mossburg SPX
Any two of these is cheaper than a quality AR15 and you have more utility with them.
All you're doing is proving that you should not be allowed to own or operate a firearm.
No reason to own anything that's not a bolt/pump action to use for hunting. If you have an AR15 for home defense and not a 12 gauge you're dumb as fuck and never attended school.
This is why you're a pussy and you will never mount to nothing less than an easy target to a random mass shooter.
All you're doing is proving that you're a fucking pussy and not allowed to live in this world.
This must be how butthurt the samurai were when guns were first introduced in Japan. The very idea that someone who had spent years building their body and perfecting a martial art could be killed by an unskilled farmer with 5 minutes of training.
You need a hug from a woman bro, not an AR-15, chill out.
Put down your gun and we'll see who's the pussy.
Someone finally is speaking some truth in this god forsaken website among pussyass libtards
Ah yes, boom boom stick makes you big and strong, totally not a danger to society. You compensate your tiny cock by buying a gun, pretending to be a big boy on Yas Forums. How cute. I absolutely LOVE how butt hurt you gun owners get when this discussion starts, and how you can't give a single reason to own these, like angry children
to stimulate me to buy a gun for which you're shillin' so much
All I hear is a pussy squealing and not talking like a real man.
Once you grow a pair and get yourself a gun, come back and talk to me, kid.
Holy shit gunfag keep hiding behind that fun
You're nothing nothing nothing
And your ass would be beat beat beat beat beat