Vaginas are smelly. What do we do about this?

Vaginas are smelly. What do we do about this?

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Stay away unless ready to reproduce.

every half hour we sound a siren, that tells women it's muff cleaning time - day and night

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Tell her to hose out her cock pit

if it stinks then she inst cleaning her self and that means you pick shitty wemon.

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Never leave home without a power washer. 2,500 PSI ought to be sufficient in most cases. If you're going down on a big girl from da hood, you might want to opt for a higer-end model. Don't even bother with the electric at that point, go straight for the gas powered.

dye these pink and call the floral flange, no more nasty clunge stank

I prefer a stanky puss. Nothing better than muff diving after shes been working all day, or just finished at the gym.

i dont know how to tell my gf her pussy smells sour

Something tells me you’ll really like sucking dick, user.

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next time your licking her, ask
>can I get some sugar on this

nigga, most women don’t smell until maybe the end of the day. If your lady always smells sour it’s her poor diet and or lack of water. I know there are days when my women smells and it’s usually 3 days after her period

Define "stanky." There's a good version and a bad version of that smell. If its the good version, then the stronger the better. If it's bad then stay away.

As if your dickhead smells fantastic. Fuck off.

By not being a faggot.

Not original poster, but I assume that yeast infected pussy goes beyond the acceptable stank

fuck is wrong with you? I love stank, fag.

and bitch if you don't LOVE cock, join the nunnery


She SHOULD smell sour. It has a pH of like 3 or 4. That's almost as acidic as orange juice. Plus it's usually mixed with sweat and a little urine. You just learn to appreciate it.

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Maybe my dickhead does indeed smell fantastic. Here. Have a sniff.

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Make little boy noises

Tits or gtfo

just tell her to shower before you go downtown
not like im gonna come home from work and stick my stinky dick in someones face, if she doesn't know to clean herself then she needs telling

Your pubes do look like they're real good at trapping in your scent

I kinda feel like OP just started this thread so he could show off his dick. This is not a complaint

Eat ass

There is no reason to believe his gf doesn't know how to clean her pussy, and that is horrible advice anyway

pee on them

agree it's a nice dick but it ain't OP

Pic related.

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just reminded me of my ex.
Bitch loved smelling on my sweaty balls kek
She said she liked the musky smell after I sweat my balls off