What the fuck am I supposed to be doing? I joined the thieves guild and they want me to steal a fucking diamond

What the fuck am I supposed to be doing? I joined the thieves guild and they want me to steal a fucking diamond

Sure np, head over to the jewellery store and nig one

Oh wait, day time the store is open. Better wait til night. WTF, it's now night and the store clerk is still there? And there's a fucking guard stood here too?

Is the entire game cryptic as fuck like this?

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Do the main quest simultaneously with the guild missions. Yes, the game is weird as shit.

it doesn't hold your hand like oblivion and skyrim, but there are decent mission guides on UESPwiki

>Not using an invisibility pot/spell
fucking casual

Can't be any witness if you kill them all

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Go upstairs and break into his lockbox, nig right or don’t nig at all faggot.

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Just reminder of Morag Tong

Murder is illegal unless you present a piece of papyrus that says you're a hitman, then you're ok to go

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stop mocking different cultures you racist swine

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The Ending of the Words is Almsivi

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actually keked. thanks

This is bait designed specifically for anyone who's played Morrowind.

By Vekh!

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Nothing wrong with a little government sanctioned ethnic cleansing.