Why aren't you vegan Yas Forums?
Why aren't you vegan Yas Forums?
Because pork ribs
Eating is a chore on a vegan diet
Because cum isn't vegan
Because I'm not a faggot.
You can make them with a meat substitute called seitan. It's actually really easy and fun. Then baste them in the sauce. They work really well on the grill.
All the flavour and none of the death.
Plus as well as being better for the animals, it is better for the planet, and better for you.
It is no more of a chore than eating on any other kind of diet. Can you elaborate on what would make a plant based, vegan diet a chore for you?
I like meat
Yes it is
Yes you are
>Yes it is
How is it vegan?
Would you kill the animal yourself? Would you butcher its body yourself?
I dare you to watch Dominion. All the way through. Then see how you feel once you know about the conditions these animals suffer in and how horribly they die. And on such a massive scale.
>Can you elaborate on what would make a plant based, vegan diet a chore for you?
Having to eat massive amounts to get your daily nutritional intake and having to gimp every recipe because no eggs/milk/cheese
It's not an animal product. No animals were harmed in the harvesting on semen.
So eggs are vegan?
Yes I would and I have.
It is not always pleasant but it is always worth it.
Herbivores are fat and slow with large stomachs and do nothing but eat all day.
Carnivores are fast and lean and have plenty of time to play.
Because I'm not a cunt
>most dangerous animals on land are herbivores and obligate carnivores are mostly scavengers
Good point user I'll stop craving cock in my ass and start eating meat thanks
Soooo, just making meals, like you normally would??
No. Chickens live in horrible, cramped conditions. Are unnaturally bred to lay a ridiculous amount of eggs every day. Then they have their potential babies (periods) stolen from them. They have their beaks clipped. The male chickens are literally send on a conveyor belt to be ground up alive.
Eggs are definitely not vegan. Watch Dominion.
>ending an innocent animals life in a painful death just for a hedonistic small amount of pleasure on your tastebuds
>Soooo, just making meals, like you normally would??
I can tell you dont cook
>Chickens live in horrible, cramped conditions.
What about pastured or free range chickens? You know you're not required to eat those 99 cent a dozen eggs with thin shells right?
Because I don't like religions and overly zealous religious people.
12 year old detected.
Great argument, well put user. Nice one.
You do realize it's easy to kill an animal painlessly right?
I cook a lot actually my friend. Making a vegan meal is no harder than making any other meal.
Because I'm not a pussy ass liberal.
Give me blood dripping steaks. Fuck off with the boring plant and stem cell based diets.
If you eat beef you're technically consuming more soy than a lot of vegans.
Religion has nothing to do with it my friend. I fear you may be confused.
Still no need to cut its life short. In this day and age we do not need to eat animals to survive, we are omnivores. Also, it is unsutainable to keep consuming meat at the rate that we do with a growing population.
You said it yourself:
not herbivores.
If vegan food is so great then why are you constantly trying to make it look and taste like meat? You think maybe your brain and body are trying to tell you something?
no human has been vegan longer than 3 years.
they all eventually run into critical health issues forcing them to quit, no matter how strong willed they think they are.
oh nice one user
same reason lesbians use rubber cocks.
How do I get in on this stem cell diet?
We have a choice. We can choose to destroy our planet and fill the earth with fear and death. Or we can choose love. We can choose to live kindly and lift our vibration higher.
No long term vegans actually do that it's just a market that exists for girls trying it out.
Veggie is probably the line for me; why shouldn't we care for animals from the previous regime and use their eggs and milk? Free range ofc
Cut it's life short? These animals would not exist if we didn't eat them. Anything that threatens a crop would be dealt with if we were all veggies. The land would not be full of happy farm animals living their best lives don't be so naïve
If veganism isn't a religion then why are vegans so evangelical? It's a belief system more than it is a medical requirement. There are groups of vegans that are just mental disorders and vanity whores. But for the ones that put out the massive amount of effort proselytizing, it's a religion.
Because not a single one of my ancestors after the point of the evolution of mammals was vegan.
Look at these fucking vegan nerds thinking they're smarter than hundreds of millions of years of evolution
biologically you don't have a choice.
humans thrive when meat is available. humans stagnate when meat is not available. you can't evolve to a new food source overnight.
it would literally make more sense to kill yourself than to suggest humans stop eating meat in order to make the world better.
You have missed the point entirely.
imo the real argument against meat is just anti-industrial. food quality is only getting worse, 99.999% of the beef out there isn't healthy for you at all.
I don't have a problem with eating meat, but industrial farming needs severe reform. I'd start with raising feed standards so they can't keep clearcutting forests to make soybean crops to feed mcdonalds cows.
I enjoy chicken, steak and the occasional pork(bacon & sausage) too much. I’m capable of being vegan, I actually enjoy salads. I just don’t feel like it.
I am OP and it's awesome
I feel better than I ever have, it's cheaper, it's tasty and it's ethical
t. picky eater that used to eat nothing but meat been vegan for 2 years now