

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-19 at 18.57.36.png (218x382, 340.83K)

kind of a bad angle and posture, middle parted hair never belongs on men. send another photo that shows your full face.

hot as fuck, you could even do modeling
id suck u off

also this is coming from a 6'7 guy who's goodlooking if i do say so myself (have modeled a bit before), ur hot bro

Hell yeah me too

Attached: 8E2DE8C4-DE98-440F-98B3-CA883B3F617C.jpg (540x961, 69K)

Did the thing, bad quality idkwhy

Op here again I adopted middle parted a while back, dont know what fits me doe

you look like a narcissistic sodomite boy diva.
good bone structure though

take it to /soc fren

You remind me of the autist off criminal minds

Attached: hermanmunsterlookinbitch.jpg (297x375, 19.95K)

this gai

Attached: 1413726461000s.jpg (83x125, 2.09K)

Low key me doe

Let's see your big dick

No!, im friends with a few incels, if they see me on here with my dick in hand, ill never live it down

Spaghetti arms

Attached: 1586973786508.jpg (650x488, 39.77K)

Yup, 6ā€™6 and 180lbs is what makes those arms

Ah so it's a bit small

Reeeeee its 7 inches, THATS AVERAGE!!

5.8-6 inches is average. I am guessing you are measuring wrong.

Time to bulk up twink boy before a muscular chad gapes your cornhole

Attached: 1570508907460.jpg (622x621, 70.21K)

Iā€™d drink your piss

You've got some nice lips. I bet they are soft and moist.

Check out this guy

Attached: 5e9c878c2ba0b.jpg (466x700, 36.62K)

From the asshole right?

Hot no homo

He's been known to like that sometimes

On it captain

You're face is very average, not ugly but hardly handsome. With you height I guess that'd made you slightly above average. There is my honest rate.

Attached: WIN_20170930_071527.jpg (640x360, 32.07K)

Is that you?


You also have an average face.