We're still making the BIG nazi flag far far away from the center

We're still making the BIG nazi flag far far away from the center

All the new pixels (Most of the white ones) give 10 second delay. All the fairly new ones give 40-70 second delay. All the really old ones (P U R P L E C O C K ™) give 13 fucking minutes delay. Don't touch that unless you're willing to work hard until the end

Currently the flag is about 20% done. And the work now is split between filling in the stripes, circle and cross and colouring in the r e d. Pick something and get to it.

If you bot make sure you use this image only. Put the center of the flag and not anywhere else.

How to bot: github.com/RogerioBlanco/PixelCanvasBot

Discord: NWVGc9

pixelcanvas.io/@14925,14186 Top left corner
pixelcanvas.io/@15925,14186 Top right corner
pixelcanvas.io/@14925,14853 Bottom left corner
pixelcanvas.io/@15925,14853 Bottom right corner

Instead of sitting at home and jacking off all day come draw swastikas and leave your mark on the world all day.


Attached: 1587048014312.png (1000x667, 62.67K)



Attached: 1587256414641.jpg (710x423, 43.5K)

take your gay nazi shit to Yas Forums you fag

male this somewhere

Attached: 1587313152464.jpg (918x971, 138.73K)

Take your fag gay shit to Leddit you nazi

Attached: 66623443_10157105450320661_4673268006841745408_n.jpg (148x141, 4.64K)

Attached: 1587180473792.jpg (124x120, 3.21K)

Attached: 1586998153953.jpg (717x880, 130.72K)


Attached: 1518471698640.gif (464x245, 467.52K)

Deciding weither to join that discord or not

The only reason you won was because Erabos intervened and deleted part of the image instead of rolling back like he usually does.

You can't win without admin abuse

Die nazi scum

have you made any actual progress?

Define progress
Most of the botters run their bots on random so the pixels are all over the place, but if you clumped them all together you'll see a lot




heres a picture from an hour ago

there has literally been no progress

Attached: pixelcanvas.io (15453,14543) 2020-04-19T16_47_22Z.png (1366x625, 107.35K)


I'll see you're making progress on the Reichsgirl, user.
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment playing some new shit if you're reading this. At least I made some slight progress, hope you like it.

Here's a picture from now
There has literally been yes progress
So why don't you realise that people like you are ony a plenty. Go and make some progress instead of complaining there isn't any.

Attached: Screenshot_7.png (1261x842, 260.17K)


what the fuck is up with the time limit?

placing on purple give u 12 but placing on white give u 10 seconds


it givess you 10 sec if you place on a pixel no one has placed a pixel on before and gives you more time if someone has placed a pixel there

Placing pixels on white gives you 10sec delay, placing on red gives 1 min, placing on purple gives 13 mins. I have a bot running right now for the past ~12 hrs

it's actually just replacing new pixels take longer, the older the pixel the shorter the timer you'll get.
so just do all the red and let them waste their time replacing, eventually you'll cover more than them.

wheres your bot working?

No man, the older the pixel the longer the time you'll get

oops, knew it was something like that just didn't know which way round.

I have it running @ 15561,14397 Its the red grid

Placing a brand new pixel gives you a 10 second delay
Replacing a pixel will give you a delay according to the age of the pixel. The purple pixels are very old so they give a B I G delay

I have it running @ 15561,14397 Its the red grid
There was a massive tranny flag that I had to cover up first that's why the long wait time

Anyone know how old?