Your dream woman. Here's mine. Cant imagine any woman hotter than this. Her personality is utter shit though not surprisingly
Your dream woman. Here's mine. Cant imagine any woman hotter than this...
Tits so massive its triggering my lactose intolerance
So you dont like her?
Sauce ?
imagine wanting a hot woman while looking like a fat retard
This is the ideal woman. Clearly fertile, too soft to run away lmaooooooo
so you like obese chicks?
Yeah that’s a woman you pump 5-6 kids into, seriously fertile and a body to handle mass breeding
She should have to pay double for her clothes
Wanna go outside?
>tired after getting up
>wanting kids
Well? Post more faggot.
This goddess
You have poor taste. It's okay though.
No lol shes hot
post moar fuckface
Based Bailey-Posting
My ideal woman
Would pound doggystyle and breed
thats a guy tho
Actually thats a man. a straw man.
T. Jew
only a jew would make that kind of jump. jew.
post more
my dream girl is my girlfriend