Amusing to hear this moron ranting about fake news when all of the fake news these days comes right out of his lying...

Amusing to hear this moron ranting about fake news when all of the fake news these days comes right out of his lying mouth. He creates more fake news than even fox news. Sad to have such a lying asshole in charge of this country.

Attached: Asshole.jpg (918x494, 75.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sorry your girl lost

Asshole, you fucking republicunts are still crying about Hillary? What a moron, it's 2020 idiot.

> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!

> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!

Attached: C27101D8-2849-4563-A839-C36E1A1A001E.jpg (620x470, 75.63K)

Fuck off asshole.

Oh Look, Another asshole!

i like how ppl always create these post, lol. for such a bad man they are always thinking of him

again with this bullshit

sorry your dementia-ridden rapist won the Dem primary.

How does it feel to have him live rent free in your mind 24/7? That you are so weak you have a stranger have power over you like that? Truly I am interested

ShareBlue fills Yas Forums with anti-Trump spam: "Haha yes! We're taking the fight to the alt-right Nazis! This is how we win in 2020!"

Yas Forums fills ShareBlue spam thread with more spam "NOOOOOO!!! Not our heckin' maymays! You can't do that!!!! RRREEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Seethe more, nigger faggots.

Attached: 1582580850503.jpg (640x590, 34.75K)


You know what's the worst part, no one is right. Trump actually does go into a direction which - quite often by luck- is good for America. This can definitely be said.

But on the other hand, the stuff he says is so often just a bunch of lies. And when it's proven he's wrong, he acts as a complete child. It's like Cartman on steroids.

I really like Bernie as a person, and his idiology is really good. But it's an Utopia, and not the way of thinking the US needs right now. Or ever.

What/who does the US need? No idea.

Attached: 1586964930581.webm (440x562, 800.26K)

He's not so bad. Jeff Bezos is the richest person on earth and he refused to pay sick leave for his workers. That's like me refusing to give 5 cents to feed 10 hobos for a month.

We need to blame trump supporters instead. They are 10x the idiot Trump is, because they aren't even rich, but will believe whatever nonsense Fox news and conservatives come up with. Just cull all the conservatives and make engineers and doctors politicians instead. At least they're practical people who use logic.

I may be ugly, fat and short. I may be jobless now and poor but I'm so god damn fucking grateful I don't live in the same place as non-rich people who think Trump has their best interests at heart. His supporters are the worst. Stupidity needs to have a limit, you know.

> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!

I think his point was that YOU are still crying about Hillary.
Kill yourself.

Fuck off you sorry asshole

No one except sorry ass republicunts are crying about Hillary, everyone else has moved on.
So catch the trump virus and die asshole.

> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!

do they still give you 50 cents even if its copy pasta?

thats a pretty good double raket

Attached: 50cent-300x225.png (300x225, 128.57K)

US needs what it deserves

and thats Trump.

China is terrified of this man because he isnt their typical "useful idiot"

Attached: 5yhrdthrth.png (1792x1133, 1.9M)

No. user. You are definitly still crying about Hillary. Look at you. You’re a fucking mess. All you do is shit, piss, cum, and cry all over yourself posting about how mad you are that you lost in 2016. It must suck knowing that you aren’t even half way done with all this yet given that Trump is going to absolutely ass murder you this coming election. Bend over and accept Trump’s massive justice dong and bow before him peasant. We republicans are your rulers and you lowly commies are just common beggars. I might toss you some scraps if you stop your whining. Maybe

Asshole Alert!

Lying republicunt asshole.

And you let a dementia ridden rapist into the white house, this would be the tat in response to the tit

Silence peasants begone with you lowly beggars!

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That doesn't sound very American of you. Move to Russia you'll love it there

still the laughing stock of the world.

Nah, Russia is gay like you

Even if thats true which it isn’t, he still beat you

You're the one parroting shit from 4 years ago you sound like youve never stopped masturbating since 2017, we know you love that trump dick and this is the best thing you could have ever asked for since it justifies your sad life choices and views. You are a hypocrite and have no actual opinion worth debating since it's based on the ramblings of a sad old man and nothing more.

Why are male republicans obsessed with Trump's penis?

>they won
>you lost
>you create a thread bitching
>say they're crying

> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!

It's embarrassing is what he is, a president who couldn't even hold a 5th grade level conversation

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What exactly is he lying about? Tell me please.