How can whitebois compete?
How can whitebois compete?
aye, that's the Big 4 in Atlanta.
Sick skate spot.
whitebois compete by (a) owning everything and (b) not being a nigger
Those are Jews my fellow whiteboi or I should Spicy Whitebois.
jews dont control everything go back to the containment board
you're cherry picking pictures
I could make another thread just like this one but in which there is a huge white dude with a small black girl
Its all about perspectives.
>m-muh bbc
jews aren't white, they're semitic, which makes them more akin to arabs. The only white people come from Europe.
His phone looks like it's his penis, that's pretty funny XD
Like this
walter thread?
how indeed
wanna trade pictures user?
that looks like a big ouchie boo boo. not very sexual at all tbh fam
We can say nigger and your kind will have a chimp out
how often do you call them niggers to their faces in real life?
its funny how little you know about women and how much you can expose yourself. we all know youd let this guy bully/fuck you in a heartbeat. you feel threatened merely by his existence. haha what a sad life
he's obviously a vile antisemite and therefore deserved it
I don't know the man personally so I can't speak on that matter
why do you hate jews?
We have brains
glass of juice?? I thought you said gas the jews, mein fuhrer
haha no I kid, that's just some zesty racial humor. I tend to get a little edgy if I've had too many yoohoos. and let's just say walmart had a bogo this weekend
How? Just throw one chicken wing to 5 niggers & wait for it
You are seriously delusional if you could ever think you or anyone in this thread could pull pussy like that dude can.
Even if you were Jeff Bezos and you married some hot trophy wife.. she would still be getting dicked down by that BBC on the reg behind your back.
oh fugg :DDDD
can i see the cumshot? asking for a cuckfriend