I used to be a road agent for the WWE back in 2006 to 2010. Primarily the Smackdown & ECW performers...

I used to be a road agent for the WWE back in 2006 to 2010. Primarily the Smackdown & ECW performers. For those that might not know ECW was usually taped in the same arena right before Smackdowns Taping.

Most of the performers would travel in 2s & 4s. Torrie who had a tendency to take the younger talent under her wing began riding with Kelly Kelly. To say the least they started to get CLOSE, very close.

Whilst both of them were in relationships, Torrie still married to Billy Kidman at the time & Kelly with Andrew Martin(Test) RIP. Torrie had become quite motherly towards Kelly and would get defensive of her around other performers(both male & female).

One time in Louisville I had seen them packing their rent-a-car and out of Torrie’s bag fell out a strapon, expecting to see Kelly shocked she actually dropped down to pick it up and stuff it into the car before anyone would see. They looked at each other and giggled a little and left. Could mean anything but could mean everything.

You can see them pictured throughout the years, they never strayed far from eachother.

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They probably munched. Cool story bro.

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Yeah bro

I presume they mashed behind their partners backs

Torrie giving giving Kelly a stinkface

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Ive heard old divas say they actually dated in secret circa 2017

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This is the exact reason I keep coming back to the shit hole known as Yas Forums. Every once and a while theres a nugget like this.

Did you know Francine from ecw

Just from the 2 ECW ppvs they did, not much after that

yeah quite a doozy

More recent pic of them, definitely something going on

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It’s probably a given but Stacey & Torrie around 2002 were said to have experimented with eachother

Where's the pics of them making out and scissoring their vaginas together?!?

Post this on /asp/. I wonder how they'd react

on their fridges I think

Why do you keep writing "each other" as one word? Why would you think that's a single word?



Have you ever met rob van dam and how is he as a person ?

Is paul heyman a jerk in real life ?

What about Trish Stratus. She was hot as hell

Both good guys, I think they just both forget the reality of being celebrities and it could come across as them being rude when in reality they’re just taken aback by randoms approaching them

Trish was RAW at the time but she retired just as I was joining, did see her a few times though

I think there was a Maria shoot video where she talked about divas checking out eachothers asses. Might have been Torrie & Kelly

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Torrie was in her 30s by the time Kelly debuted at 18

more stories OP

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Yeah wrestling is cool when your fucking 5. Grow up Nerds

They fucking for real though

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