How often do you cum?

How often do you cum?

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about four times a day

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It should be noted that, aside from some control cases, this thread is only of interest to beta programmed sex freaks.

Usually once a day, sometimes more if I'm procrastinating.

About twice a week.
>big breasts
>tiny nipples
holy yuck

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sometimes I can go a couple days without even thinking about it, and sometimes I'll cum 4 or 5 times in a day
I'd say on average, it's a little over once a day

4 times currently

Every time I try. Don't you?

They are scheduled for every Sunday. it is more satisfying after a little wait.

heck no

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Fap:I try to keep to 1 fap a week max.

Sex: 2 to 3 times a week, depending on her mood.


Once every week or two.

haven't fapped in 85 days, my only ejaculation was a wet dream on day 77 (Easter)

You old?

>me, 56 yo
>fap once a week, single, no sex
>just bought a fleshlight
>cum twice in an hour

Every time I'm motivated to visit /b

Did you know that risk of prostate cancer is inversely related to frequency of orgasm? You could be setting yourself up for some bad shit there.

Don't blame him. Maybe he has no arms.

Two or three times a week normally, up to 10 times a day during stressful periods like exam time

Not nearly enough. I miss having sex with my lil girlfriend she was a freak it was like at least 5 times a day.

Once every 2 or three days

You don't have to be jacking off daily to reduce the risk.


Heh, sexless relationship.

My girl and I do once a day at minimum, which is quite normal in relationships.

As many times as I can without my dick getting raw. These days, I can't leave the house to meet chicks from Tinder, so I just jerk off constantly.


Even if I'm in a weird funk and not even thinking about sex i jack off at least twice a week regardless of if i'm getting laid or not for the health benefits.

And then everyone clapped

I have my doubts, testosterone can promote prostate cancer growth but isn't the sole cause of it. if the body has too much semen it will ejaculate in sleep or come out in urine. thus far the prostate cancer thing doesn't make sense to me

5 times a day, 1 (power masturbation 4h) 4 speedrun (20min)


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Doesn't matter if it makes sense to you, you silly billy. He's not just making that up, quite a few studies support that. And even the ones that don't agree with it admit it's a health neutral at worst. Jacking off either does nothing or lowers your risk, plus it's fun.

Sorry you can't get sex