look at the collection of faggots
It'd be a beautiful thing if they caught covid and died. Future Darwin Award recipients.
God, this country can be so embarrassing.
Look at these idiots...
The guys calling THEM fags and wishing they'd die are the real faggots. This country would still be a British possession if the first 3 guys who replied were calling the shots in 1776. "Oh, let's not be fags and rock the boat!! Let's be cool guys and respect the King." People don't get rights by waiting around for leaders to grant them.
white pride world wide
back to africa
I’m sure any one of them could kick your ass
fuck you and stay in your basement faggot
Waaaaaaay off-base, there, bud.
This 100% kids these days have no clue what happened then. Even if they do they don't realize the meaningfulness.
Thing is i could Shoot everyone in the Head before they even know it because WE ARE IN AMERICA and MUH WEAPON!
fucktards, all of them
Look at this thread filled with faggots. You all act like anything you say or do will matter, yet you type away like the beta cucks you are. Proof that all sides of political arguments are filled with idiots. Have fun, go kys.
Wow Americans are so belligerent and pointlessly put themselves and others in danger
That’s you. That’s how you sound.
oh america, you've done it again.
Why are they wearing all the tacticool gear?
only in america
> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!
So the fuck what. Doesn’t mean they’re very high on the intellectual chart..
Yeah Americuck! Let the retards of your asinine country make asinine decisions..
> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!
> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!
Hey stupid... it’s 2020 not 1776.. Get your low IQ head out of your ass..
What’s with right wingers and false equivalency?
Because they are cowards.
Hahaha, you crazy hick. The British weren't a virus, they could get shot. They are protesting a pandemic lockdown, whilst congregating in a tightly packed group
They're literally protesting safety measures being taken to keep them and others in the community alive. Fucking redneck imbeciles, not understanding or believing in science. The orange man is indeed the worst, thanks for the donation.
I'm a paid online influencer for Trump, where's my money
how mad are people in this thread about first amendment rights?
Low level IQ Trumptards
You sound like these idiots look.
projection is all they have left
> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!
When your civil liberties are being violated because of tyrannical overreach, you have a constitutional right to peacefully protest against those violations. Which is exactly what this is. Not exactly sure what the big fucking deal is considering what all the Michigan governor has enforced.
Is it legal to brandish firearms in the city now?
In Germany, too, there are protesters against the anti-epidemic regulations. They are trump fans on the one hand and antifascists on the other.
china a-hole yah
They will not give up their right to spread the virus to more people and prolong the lockdowns. Take that, governor!
display of weapons == intimidation tactic, decrying leadership in this way is one step closer to open rebellion (I.E.: Treason).
So, yeah.
Also, these fuckwits showed up at the Governor's home. Tell me how that's appropriate.
Call out the NG, and wipe the fucking streets with their blood.