Well lockdown was too much for one Canadian

Well lockdown was too much for one Canadian.
News says lock your doors and hide in basement. I’m not sure how being in a room with only one way in/out will help.

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Been a fair few mass shootings in Canada these last few years. Be interesting to see how this one plays out.

Really? Aside from the 2 hitch hikers recently I haven’t heard of any.
Probably that one made news here in NZ because they killed the Australian.


Penticton shooting, 4 dead. The La Loche school shooting. Unsure how many died in that. There was the isis shooting in Greektown, Toronto that killed those girls.

What is the best kind of shooter and why is it a copsucker?

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Couple days before New Years in 2014 or 2015 a Vietnamese dude shot and killed 8 people in Edmonton.

>Yas Forums blames lockdown

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Its a rural area with about 200 people.

>Couple days before New Years in 2014 or 2015 a Vietnamese dude shot and killed 8 people in Edmonton.

Well its good to know that Mass Shootings in Canada are multicultural.

Never heard of these. NZ has had Christchurch, David Bane, David Grey, Stan Graham.
I was going to say that’s it, but I googled it, and there’s been a bunch. Not all guns though, one was a hammer which is pretty untidy.

Oh shit, so everyone will know him.
who is it?
Oh hi Gabe. Now don’t be angry, but I’m not going to open the door ok? Have I ever told you bald men are sexy?

Buddys a 51 year old denturist with a histoey of restoring old cop cars. Hes doing this shit in the middle of a snow storm on top of the lockdown. If youre gonna have a homicidal breakdown nows the perfect time

4 people die in an apartment building in New Brunswick or a gangbanger shoots up the food court of the Eaton Ctr wounding 10 and killing 2 and no one hears about it.
But a kid kills his bully then shoots himself in Alabama and it's 24 hour news on all networks across the world.
Just the way it is dude. Some countries have to hit really big numbers before they make world news. Recent mass killings in Croatia, Sweden, Russia, Czech Republic hospital, Finland. Bet most people never heard of them.

>never heard of them.
Absolutely correct. I try to mix my news sources a bit to try and get a balanced view of the world, but missed these entirely. Which was the one on the island of high school kids? Saw that one.

That was Norway. And happened a long time ago, maybe 2010 or 2011?

what the fuck is wrong with dentists

> Czech Republic hospital
Was curious so just did a google search. Shit, your right. I had no idea this happened.


When you stare into the abyss for long enough, sometimes the abyss stares back.

on his way to halifax, ruh roh

I want to know WTF happened in the Dyatlov Pass.
Of everything I’ve ever seen, this really bothers me that I’ll almost certainly never know.

suspect down, its over now

Reports on victims?

obviously we bleed because we haven't been flossing

In custody. The gotem

>Active Shooter

b..b..ut all the leaf posters said shootings only happen in amerikkka!

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They are everywhere, you just don't hear about it

Mercury poisoning

Old fillings were made of mercury/gold/silver amalgam. Dentists office are full of mercury that spilled while mixing the amalgam. 30 years of huffing mercury vapor will do wonders for your brain.

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Gosh, that sure does sound like a symptom of recent policy changes in such countries, and not something unique to burgerland because muh guns r bad

Niggers are committing dozens of mass shootings a day in every major city and you never hear a word about it in the news. But on the rare occasion the shooter is white the news will run wall to wall coverage for weeks.

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It was ghosts