This man killed over 2500 people today

This man killed over 2500 people today

Why isn't he in jail yet?

Attached: sz2.jpg (950x533, 30.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!

Attached: 1587089126589.jpg (480x476, 21.42K)

Trump didn't kill nobody. Stupidity has killed them.

Attached: S006.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

In his mind their not people

Soap is less than 1 $, social distancing is for free. Just don't hug n fuck around and wash your f**king hands and you'll be fine.

Attached: 6.jpg (300x326, 39.98K)

Attached: 1587184968929.png (487x524, 570.17K)

>This man killed 2500 people today

Really? This man just woke up, pushed a button and just like that, 2500 people dropped dead?

While I think that we (USA), and other countries could have done better resistance to the virus in the earlier stages back in January and February, speaking about the purpose of the thread, let's talk Trump really quick. How is it that when Trump did do the first measures, was he called a Xenophobic Racist?

You fucking Libtards and your pathetic lives of hate, gotta stop wasting your time with hatred and start making a real difference. I swear, if Obama did the same POE ban at the same date/time frame, he would be praised, but because Trump did it, it's racist and xenophobic.

Yea ok

It's just favoritism here. Just another idiotic Libtard/Democrat who can't see beyond their clouded vision of hate and media lies

because the GOP is okay with a madman at the helm

> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!

Stop replying to pasta faggot

The stupidity of voting for a millionaire who's only concern is his own wallet, his ego and maybe his daughter.

>triggered snowflake

> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!

>being this paranoid

aren't total deaths down from this time last year?

By your logic he killed 2,500 but saved even more.

but this isn't a picture of joe "kid diddler" biden, nancy pelosi, and every other democrat calling trump racist for not allowing infected chinks into the country

> Excellent post, comrade! Trump is good American.
> Would you like 10 billion rubles or it's equivalent in potatoes?

republicans don't care about accountability of those in their own party. they don't care of those in their own party harm the nation and kill our fellow citizens. they only care about being in power, so they will deny and lie when they fuck up because they put party above country.

>*unzips pants and bends over in front of Trump while he buttfucks the entire country*

Attached: ++.jpg (630x630, 55.87K)

>le russian meme

Yeah it's the new way for them to avoid engaging in a debate that they'd likely end up losing anyway. Similarly when you post verifiable facts, they just >orange man bad.
It's cringe, but it's just an admission that they can't argue your point.

This shit is posted every day and you idiots still get all pissed off about it.

Attached: 8A4D7922-F187-4DF4-B7A2-2AFBE040CECF.jpg (500x331, 19K)

> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposited into your dragon dildo account!

>republicans don't care about accountability
>forgets the democratic party exits

non-accountability is not an inherent conservative trait. neither is ignorance, user.

> Excellent post, comrade! Trump is good American.
> Would you like 10 billion rubles or it's equivalent in potatoes?

Fuck off Plebbitor

lol its stuck in repeat mode

responding to this post in anyway is admission of defeat.

excellent post fellow trump supporter, orange man good
ten rubles has been deposited into your account

Not enough. There are still leftists alive.

Fail. Cringe. You deserve the gas chamber.

>immunity doggo.jpg

> Excellent post, comrade! Trump is good American.
> Would you like 10 billion rubles or it's equivalent in potatoes?

If you are such a libertarian go shoot cops you fucking pussy.

>> Excellent post, fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
> > 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue™ account!
>Anonymous 04/19/20(Sun)08:57:19 No.825667625▶

worldometer says it was 54 new deaths
this shit is on facebook too
I guess it's a retard test?

Attached: whine1.jpg (460x259, 44.35K)

I would rather be a Russian bot than a chinese traitor. You literally got paid by communists. Russia is an oligarchy. Just like america.

tramp is a lamp tbh

the old false equivalency. stupidity seems to be av prevalent republican trait. you don't even know what conservatism is.

Attached: download.jpg (271x186, 8.19K)

Now do Cuomo and DeBlasio you cucked fuck.

Who do you fucking blue lives matter fags think is going to start shooting you when you get violent?

Oh I don't care for left or right, I just cringe seeing you faggots screech at each other, so depending on the amount of left or right shitposters, I take the side of the other and just bait people. It's clear that like the trap, cuck, BBC, coomers, logposters and furries, that you'll just spam this fucking board until you find the courage to kill yourself.

Shill Detected

Op is retarded. The virus killed them not the trump.

Are you talking about the 26,000 bombs Obama dropped on children daycares hospitals and schools back in 2016 that killed over 120,000 civilians? If not then I would shut the fuck up

Love how it’s okay for a black guy to kill people, but it’s not okay for a white person to warn people and let them decide for themselves to quarantine or not

>black man bad