Which of your physical feature (aside fom dick) do you think girls are most attracted to and what trick do you use to make sure they notice it?
Which of your physical feature (aside fom dick) do you think girls are most attracted to and what trick do you use to...
>Which of your features (aside fom dick) do you think girls are attracted to
the Wallet
your cybercoin portfolio isn't physical lmao
Girls are attracted to guys with abilities, a creative drive and charisma. It doesn't matter (to decent girls) if your body is lumpy due to athleticism or lumpy due to a lack of athleticism.
Really....I've been around enough to know...
This but unironically
True, but it's not like you can display your skills or creativity all the time, a physical attribute is something that is visible at first sight and can mean the difference between a conversation progressing or not.
None, anymore. It used to be my looks. But with age it changed. I thought as I grew older and fatter that I would have a harder and harder time with women. But that just hasn't been the case. So perhaps my looks wasn't all that important in the past either.
Nothing physical. People are temporarily attracted when they hear about my degree/job, but after years of alcohol abuse and having no friends, I can barely hold a conversation. I have money, but I blow it all on liquor and poker (I am down over 150k lifetime, but I don't play to win).
I have never been on a date in my life (35 years old right now). I have never kissed a woman. I am fat (like, really fat) and bald. My penis is about 6.25 inches but you'd never be able to tell because of the fat (you can't even see it from the side when i'm fully hard without lifting my gut).
So my trick is to be as unnoticeable as possible and maybe when i'm found dead in my apartment after a month of rotting, a woman might feel some sympathy for me. That's about the best I can hope for at this point.
I have recieved many compliments on my forearms and hands. I have had build forearms since I was a teenager. Am told my forearms look like popeye's but not in an exaggerated way. And women for some reason like my hands.
Exactly this
Eyes, my face in general and my stomach when i'm in good shape
one time a hooker told me she likes how manly I look with all my body hair (my chest is like an untamed jungle) and how I have a very cute face.
Later when I started seeing her cousin instead of her she started laying into me about how I'm disgusting and "look like a pedophile". I found out later they were both disgusted by me but were desperate for the cash to fund their meth habit.
whatever though, still got laid
I guess my abs, although I don't "display" it unless I'm at the beach or a pool party. Aside from that I'm tall and have decently strong arms.
But your looks won't help you all that much if you're a mumbling autist with nothing interesting to say.
>So my trick is to be as unnoticeable as possible and maybe when i'm found dead in my apartment after a month of rotting, a woman might feel some sympathy for me. That's about the best I can hope for at this point.
Stop it. Get your ass out there and live. I don't want to hear excuses or I can't shit. You are the master of your destiny and you're wasting the time you have no believing in yourself. Nothing I say will inspire you to change, I know this. I also know that you have filled your head with bs and want to believe you're not worthy or equal. It's time to live, period.
yeah i've been planning to start living for a while now. Just one more day of drinking then that's it. I'm on day 3000 or so of saying this, but this time it's going to stick.
Never trust a fucking word a junkie bitch says. That's rule #1
Nothing hurts quite like regret. Have faith in yourself. You may fail a million times but it's the fight you fight that's what fucking matters. You can never fail if you keep trying. If you're a good person good things will happen but you have to go find it, it's not coming to you. Take that step user, it's the hardest and most important. You have nothing to lose.
hate to say it but you're kind of an idiot for not at least paying for it or going to a strip club. honestly when I went to the club it was a huge confidence boost to be able to sit and talk to some women. really left there feeling good. I'd blow some on that if you've tried nothing else.
plus, you got a bigger dick than me. you can lose weight, i can't grow my peen. fucking waste man
This user states good points. Strip club can help in ways. Yes, those women want your money and will act like they dig you. But I can tell you from experience there are some really cool women that strip for a living. Most make it very easy for you to talk to them. So, talk to them. Learn how to talk to women and build confidence. No matter your size or how ugly you may think your are they will not treat you that way. It's hard to explain but I have seen guys with no confidence in themselves build confidence while talking to strippers. Just because you're giving a stripper money to be around you doesn't mean she only likes you for your money. That my b/ro's depends on your personality. Live alittle and support a few strippers, if done right it's better money spent then in therapy. True talk.
Behaviour can be the key since it affects your body (movement, posture)
They're more complex than us. We deside based on ass, tits and sometimes face.
Girls decide based on height, face, clothes you wear, smile, sense of humor and all those shits.
That is, by the way, the reason you're still single.
elaborate? What kind of behaviour do you display?
None, thanks for the reminder...
>Girls decide based on height, face, clothes you wear, smile, sense of humor and all those shits
Guys do the same. You have to have something attractive on or about you to get her attention. Then your personality has to take over. That's were guys fail.
same user here, this guy really gets it. Exactly how I felt, like I had been to therapy.
You can only do it for yourself, everyone will tell you they were only interested in you for your money, guess what, you pay money for therapy too haha. They are real people, and no, they don't want to date you, but they'll sit and talk. And just like you'll feel sorry for their sob story about how they have daddy issues, or are just paying thru whatever degree, some (tho not all, some are truly human garbage) are genuinely good people and will feel sorry for your life and problems and give you a little sympathy/encouragment, and you may even walk out with a little confidence.
I'm rambling so I'll stop, but shit man everything costs money, hell even my best friends won't let me mooch off them, nobody likes a mooch. Go pay for some theraputic female therapy user.
Thanks, user. I do get it and wish any guys that feel they can't get laid or haven't in their 30's get out of your head and fix your situation. Don't accept the thought you'll never get laid. There are literally thousands and more of women out their that need dick. Fill their need, anons. Your a man, fucking act like it.
For me it seems like girls have those little "fetishes" a lot.
Like some girls look on guys ass and deside based on that.
Some girls only date ribbed guys.
My gf for example wouldn't let me cut my hair because she has long hair fetish (not like girly long, just a bit longer i normaly have)
And that is in my opinion why most of men fail. They just met a girl that has fetish on something the guy doesn't have.
>You have to have something attractive on or about you to get her attention
No you don't. You don't need to "get her attention" because you are not supposed to wait for her to take any initiative. You walk up to her, start a conversation, dominate the conversation, and forcefully present your personality, appearance, clothes, "frame" etc
It is very true there are many, many lonely women out there desperate for love, same as us guys. Trick is to find them, which can be difficult, and admittedly, you do have to be somewhat attracted to them in order for it to work.
Strip clubs are kind of like life support, obviously not a long term fix or solution, but it will keep you afloat while you lose weight, fix yourself, etc...
>They just met a girl that has fetish on something the guy doesn't have
Great point, user. Then like the prophet Jay-z says...I'm on to the next one. Point being is that chick doesn't dig you, ok that's fine. I'll go find one that does. That's the mind set you need.
This. If you sit around waiting for someone else to do the labour, then perhaps looks is important. I am fat and bald and my face looks like a 5 year old kid drew a dog or something. But I have no problems with women.
>No you don't. You don't need to "get her attention" because you are not supposed to wait for her to take any initiative. You walk up to her, start a conversation, dominate the conversation, and forcefully present your personality, appearance, clothes, "frame" etc
If that works for you, great. It's not mandatory to do it your way. I look at a woman and read her body language. If I detect attraction I use my eyes, my body language to show I want her. If you have never eye fucked a woman to come and start a convo with you then, you can only speak from your perspective or experience. So, don't come off as you have to do it your way, cause you would be wrong.
Lol, I'm sure with your attitude you attract so much pussy. How about instead you read the thread and learn something, or you could just continue to be a lost virgin. I give zero fucks, today.
Not much, i'm probably not the example to follow but apparently people look at me without confronting me, still got a gf, though
Here's how i behave
>Speed walk
>Almost look everywhere in a slow movement and in a purely neutral way, could be a building, some trees, the sky or even "scanning people"
>barely talk, talk only when talked to and make it short
>Have a hobby to show off, like drawing, listening to music, anything that won't make you stand out too much
>Litterally don't give a shit about anything, a remark? No response An insult? No response, just speed walk the bothering away and sit somewhere else without a care no confrontations
>Don't be scared to help people that are considered "losers" or "weirdos", like a friendly robot, talk to them more than the regular chad/stacy person
>observe bugs and take them in your hands to look closer
In the end, i was considered a weird guy and had people gossiping about me and giving me looks, but like previously said, normies will naturally avoid you
Yes. We are so fucking smart, user.
>Don't be scared to help people that are considered "losers" or "weirdos
I fully agree. If you don't judge people and get to know them, you would be surprised how cool they are and just need a friendly guide to help them. People are people and we all need help at some point with something. Only exceptions are born assholes, you just avoid those fuckers.
the Fuck America feature