Amandas Thread

Amandas Thread

Full exposure or not ?

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What an awful beast. check 'em

Attached: PhotoGrid_1587301592292_noexif.jpg (1921x1080, 1.16M)


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I’ll bet her curry pussy stinks amd has lint in it

Attached: Project005_002234_2.gif (656x368, 756.37K)

Nigga who?


Attached: 1516203515454.jpg (1920x1920, 1.41M)

I am here to see her asshole

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Her insta?

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Any fucking webm/gifs?

just google amanda masih

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back story please?

Attached: 20150412_215438 (1)_002_001_9.gif (656x368, 1.73M)

Attached: 1580431990479.webm (720x480, 1.62M)

I always feel bad for this lady.
She's mid tier, but makes up for it by being a hot willing slut, probably fulfilling her guys every fantasy. Then there's a break up, and he gets his revenge by spamming her on b, rather than taking his L and moving the fuck on.

who is she?

Attached: 20150412_215438 (1)_002_001_1.gif (656x368, 1.59M)