Suicide methods for broke cowards please

Suicide methods for broke cowards please

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You are so stupid or cowardly that you cant even choose a way to off yourself?
damn, thats sad.

inhale till you pass out

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Not quite but close yeah

Just stay alive until you die

Whatever shit you're going through is just as temporary as your life. Maybe look in to the Law of One. Figure shit out for yourself man. Make your life useful in some way.

Unless you molested a kid or raped someone. In which case, toaster bath.

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I was the kid and the damage it caused is permanent (relative to how long I'm probably going to live if I don't kill myself) as far as I know.

I appreciate your effort though and I promise I will look into the law of one just for you.

Now that he made you a faggot, are you going to continue the curse by molesting kids?

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Exit bag

No, preferably he'd die with me

I was also the kid. I repressed it and didn't understand for a long time. It wasn't till my 20s and I gained a degree of self-awareness about my behaviors that I realized how the trauma was effecting me. I went to therapy. Not to only for help in processing, but I just. needed. to talk. My therapist was an old lady, seeing me for depression. It wasn't till I was 5 sessions in that I found the courage to talk to her about. She helped me understand what the trauma was doing, the residual effects were doing, and that my coping methods were preventing me from moving on.

Fast forward a few years, I found out that you can forgive without reconciliation. You can forgive someone for hurting you without excusing what they have done to you. And you can forgive yourself for being hurt and not able to move on for so long.

Wishing you the best, man. Life's short and our souls are greater than our flesh. I hope your experience in this life teaches you much, and you carry some of that experience on to your next one.

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Research "Helium hood". Painless.

drown in tub with toaster

Or you could just forgive him and live a good life.

Self-immolation is dirt cheap. And while painful, you will always be remembered as it is a rare phenomenon. You will make the news and end up in a Wikipedia list for eternity.

Thanks for your time and effort. I wish you the best.

I'm unable to forgive anyone considering how miserable my life turned out to be. Don't take it wrong I wish it were that easy to solve my situation

Is that ROM the space knight?

carbon monoxide

jump off overpass

Oh come on stop being a pussy, there're people living with no fucking limbs and you are way more whining than them

beat yourself to death with your empty wallet

by old age.

Jump off of something. It's completely free.

Borrow a friend's car and run the exhaust into the passenger compartment. You get the bonus of knowing you will be bequeathing your friend a haunted car.

Hey man I know it's none of my business but can we know why?

I was planning on doing it last year because I'm an illegal immigrant in the us that was taken into the country. Im currently facing deportation and suicide is still a huge possibility for me. Basically I'm curious tell me faggot

Spend as much time solving your problems as you spend time thinking about suicide.

suicide by cop

Sorry about it

That's funny and would have been what I probably would have done but I don't want to fuck up someone's car like that

I'm severely irreversibly mentally ill and I don't have much hope of ever living a life I can say was worth living for

Liberty Prime from Fallout 4


Isolate yourself and get real eccentric until everyone hates and/or fears you out of pure paranoia. You'll become such a master creative that you'll find your own way, you lazy faggot.

Drive to the most rural part of the country you can reach without any supplies.
Walk and just keep walking.