I'm 18 and I hate white people

I'm 18 and I hate white people.

I live in a white area and I am surrounded by the most scummy white people in the world - fat blobs of trans gender pig flesh encased with oversized clothes, chomping down McDonalds like a wood chipper chomps down twigs, and chugging Pepsi and Coca-Cola like a bathroom sink.

White genocide isn't real but it should be, because white people deserve to die out. White genocide is the only final solution that I'm interested in.

Every time a white person dies I am made slightly happier. Every time I see a white boomer taking their last breaths I praise Corona-chan for her contribution to the world.

One day, whether it be soon or far in the future, every single white person in the world will die out and only then will I be happy - whether I am alive or dead. I cannot rest until every last member of the white race dies out for good.

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Red pill

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Today, I will remind them.

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How's the weather in Tel Aviv, rabbi?

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No you won't. You're lack of happiness won't change at all because you don't want it to. Its your sword and shield. It's all you are. Misery. You are exactly where you want to be cowering in a corner lashing out to get attention. You'll only be happy when you wake up.

i love you

You might be surrounded by trash but it's because of your birth and financial situation. White trash are arguably less disgusting than niggers who 8 out of 10 times end up murdering each other. You owe whites for the invention of just about everything, not the least of which is non-tyrannical forms of civilization that would even bother to consider the non-dominant race as people.

If you want to be a commie your only option is a uni-racial authoritarian China in which blacks cannot even be outside right now or they'll be attacked or arrested.

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I also love this person

You're so stupid you won't even get the irony of this meme!

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Extremely based. Stay strong, brother.

fuck you and fuck him, the real world won't protect you from white nationalists. We'll shit on you from a great height.

Its ok faggot everybodyknows that no matter how much you hate white people because they dont give you any attention you would never want to live around anyone alse other then white people now go kys

You're a bunch of powerless 17 year old larpers fapping in your mom's basements to anime, nobody takes you seriously.

Could always start with yourself, you know? Be the change that you want to see!

yeah either that or we're an army slowly massing, ready to delete you from our world.

Without white people you'd be eating dirt and sitting in the dark. Definitely not on your phone.

Shut up.


I beat the fuck out of white nationalists often and am plotting on another this week. Stay indoors, you faggot pieces of shit are done.

Nigga wtf did I do?, haven't done shit to ya'll, Hell give me a bat i'll help out

Post ur skinny pathetic shitskin arms

You don't and only a complete idiot threatens others on an anonymous board.

Lmao you fags are weak and greatly outnumbered. Opiates and interracial births are killing you off faster then obesity. You’re done and there is not even need for the physical warfare. Rot in piece honkie.

You know he's a white leftist, come on...

You're so edgy this morning
Are you having a hard time dilating today ?

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cry harder you failed disgusting jew. You're no match.

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white people dont care what non white people think, always remember this.

My crew and I put two nazis in the hospital last week. Stay inside jacking off because on the street you’re bound to have some bones broken faggots. Cheers to your deaths.

complete bullshit, go look on jewtube and every time you antifa fags try something you end up on the concrete

If NYC, Southern Texas and SoCal all sank into an abyss, this country would be 90% white. Don't fucking kid yourself. And those illegals and first/second generation immigrants will not fight for you, they will fuck straight off when hostilities begin. Whoever at the DNC came up with the "fuck whitey" strategy, was a moron and you're a bigger moron for following along with it.

Lol sure kid sure keep reading and getting your info from breitbart and living in your parents suburban town in Idaho. You’re all going down in pain.


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Lol in your imagination while you were jerking eachother off

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There's about a 99% chance OP is white too. We care.


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You’re a complete dumbass and living a fantasy. Your people are done faggot. Accept death.

With your crew you mean 20 smelly job and homeless and with two nazi's you mean a senior and his 12yo grandson with a trump cap drinking a coke and minding their own business?

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He's still fantasizing

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