

Attached: FRANCE (1).png (344x257, 48.84K)

Surrender surrender surrender fuck fra Germany 4 life


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De l'art.

Gros caca

Gros pipi

Fuck you fucking faggots. Germany or UK FTFW.

Fuck you fucking bastard. France or Italie.

Bunch of assholes and faggots, UK are way better and you know that...

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bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

Waterloo asshole.

most ugly women
most disgusting food
most terrible piss beer

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Bitch you are, piece of shit

in UK they had to put their girls on page 3 coz otherwise nobody would ever look at them

Baise ouais.
Les détesteurs vont détester.

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Dieser Thread wurde offiziell eingenommen

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a french one finger salute?

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Plus ?

des lyonnaises ?

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Pas mal t'en as plus ?

Oh oui elle adore ce montrer cette chienne

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