Since coming to Yas Forums I've been growing more racist by the day. Is it justified or am I being brainwashed?

Since coming to Yas Forums I've been growing more racist by the day. Is it justified or am I being brainwashed?

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yes to both

Maybe it has just been in you all along, you just aren't scare to hide it because the rest of Yas Forums doesn't.

Racism was valid 100,000 years ago and it is still valid today.

Maybe you're just a triggered dumbfuck.

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Not justified, yes brainwashed - been on Yas Forums for years and have managed to resist. Work on it, and you'll come out the other side still a functional and valued member of society

>managed to resist
A.K.A. managed to stay retarded

>come out the other side
More like out of the closet

>valued member of society
the fuck would you know about that you loser

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"As a fellow Yas Forumstard....."

Jesus tapdancing christ what a fucking faggot. Are you samefagging or just happened to be on the same discord as the tranny OP and part of the same "faction" that's going to Fight Racism On The Internet?


There is no such thing as racism. Its just selection. There is nothing wrong with that.


>not greentext
Jesus tapdancing christ what a fucking faggot. Are you samefagging or just happened to be on the same discord as the tranny OP and part of the same "faction" that's going to Fight Sensibleness On The Internet? God , summer comes earlier every year

Coal burner. Kill yourself nigger lover.

Put me in the screencap


Discord tranny status: TRIGGERED

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Go read a book or something.
not a book suggested by Yas Forums

The fact that you can still ask that tells me that you are not brainwashed.

Clearly nick there doesn't realize that the people being questioned now were the same people being questioned before.


>Look at me I'm an oldfag, I've watched youtube videos about Yas Forums.
Kill yourself, you cringy nigger lover

Serially does anyone know what this guys on about, though? He's clearly new here, but he's not yet learned to talk sense. Doesn't your teacher teach you how to effectively communicate?

This. Racism is just autism lite. Alot of sperging daily in this site, as you can tell by the content of threads and the reactions to this anons comment. Resist the autism OP.

yea racism isn't a real thing.
Statistics don't lie. It's not my fault if I feel uneasy if a black man sits next to me at the DMV. According to statistics, there is a 33% chance that he's a felon. Society wants to call me a horrible person if I change seats because I care about my safety. Now, obviously I'm not going to move if the dude is wearing glasses and a fucking button-up shirt. There are niggers and there are black people. You've probably heard this phrase before because it has merit

You've always been racist, Yas Forums just errodes the social rule that racism is the worst thing in the world.
Everyone has an ingroup bias and while keeping it down below a level of lets kill all who arent like me, we are entering clown world level political correctness levela.

All black people are niggers, it's just that some learned to hide it.

Only YouTube video about Yas Forums worth watching is the one of that news anchor saying 'but who is this Yas Forums?'
Other than that, been here for long enough to have seen Yas Forums move from the fun kind of cesspit for adults it was, to the cringey edgy-humour-for-14-year-olds cesspit it is today.

You are being brainwashed. I was you once except I had less insight

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I became more racist here too. But I don't care. I don't live in a country with niggers, so I'm alright, I don't have to see those monkeys every day.

t. ovaltine spooge drinking nigger fucker

t. butthurt racist mad others are becoming self-aware but he's not

All these right wing chuds are cringe-inducing. Do yourself a favor and just read their posts out loud and listen to how stupid they sound. Would you wanna be associated with someone who thinks and talks like that?

Oooh, you're all so edgy

You sound like a huge fucking pussy lmao.

Your post smells like a leaking neo-vagina. Get off the internet, it's time for you to douche and dilate.

>t. nigger

Go back to plebbit nigger fucker

>More like out of the closet

That shouldn't have been as funny as it is

No, the opposite. Everybody has a natural tendency to be racist due to living in the real world. It’s not being racist that requires constant brainwashing.

For example, OP, read this post out loud and hear how cringe-inducing it sounds.