Hey guys...

Hey guys, about to trip for the first time! found these in my moms bathroom! Bout to have a whole trip with both of these! Wish me luck guys!

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make sure to drink both bottles

Oh dont worry, il even drink some vodka i have stashed too!

Dont drink that. Only drink stuff that contains dxm. The acetamenaphan will poison your liver.

Too late already chugged both

There's nothing psychoactive in Tylenol.
But you're going to need to go to the hospital and they're going to have to pump your stomach.
Hospitals are full of Coronavirus right now.
Holy fuck.

Shhh let them poison themselves and die a slower more painful death.

One less fucktard shitposting on Yas Forums.

twice the minimum dose required for death, cya later lmao

nigga you dead, id hospital right meow

I feel fine lol, plus i dont want to tell my mom.

dont forget to drink water or you'll have a hang over after bro

Yeah you have just done a shit tone Paracetamol.
You are going to be in the worst pain in your entire life in about 2-3 hours. Go strait to the Emergency ward.

Seriously, look up the active ingredient with google.

No high.

Large dose is fatal.

Contact poison control. (800) 222-1222

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can I have your keyboard after you die? it's nice.

Troll but if not you're dead kid

Lol. This is either one really dead kid or one hell of a bait.

Throw up

Anything posted on Yas Forums is a work of fiction only a fool would believe. Damn it’s summer in here. Can’t wait for this quarantine to be over.

Follow this advice.

Contact poison control. (800) 222-1222

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Not a joke if this isn't bait op. I think your gonna die.

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oof, you're gonna feel like absolute SHIT about an hour and a half after downing those.

youd rather die? cause your liver is goona be fuckd user, look up lethal dose of aceteminaphon

This is correct.

Contact poison control. (800) 222-1222

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Ha yall just trying to scare me i know how it be on Yas Forums

You took 19,133 mg... Which is 5x the maximum amount for 24 hours. You are probably about to get very ill at the minimum depending on your weight...possibly die bud

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Google the active ingredient. Please.


"Adults should not take more than 3,000 mg of single-ingredient acetaminophen a day. You should take less if you are over 65 years old. Taking more, especially 7,000 mg or more, can lead to a severe overdose problems."

Call poison control. (800) 222-1222

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Violently I'll. Probably Die.

Make sure you down a lot of alcohol to make it kick in right.

This is a bullshit post. Proof you drank both or GTFO.

You'll only get sick if you dont.