Fuck women

Fuck women

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Hahahahahahaha stfu manlet.
And yes I will, but you wont.

You're supposed to lie dumbass

Fucking women is the plan, sub-male.

Because lying on the internet is impossible, fucking manlet

Fuck you too nigga be taller

you loose by considering your height a weakness.
it's not about your deficiencies, it's how you deal with them. if you get that shit often, just work on a whitty rebuttal and make yourself interesting.

One shitty apple doesn't mean all apples are shitty. I'm sorry you had the misfortune of biting into a bad one. I hope her death is soon, slow, and incredibly painful.

no excuses to be under 6'

hit the gym fat ass

She's doing duck mouth in her profile pic, were you expecting class and grace?

ill show you my 5.5 bitch

>exercise your way to a bigger dick!

Yet this is the same type of bitch that gets offended when guys say they don't like fat chicks

Real talk, shallow bitches aren't worth it. You'll find somebody that finds you attractive and prefers you at your height. Just give it time.

Kek I like her

She’s lame. Short guys can get tons of bitches still just be confident as fuck in yourself bro. You’ll get there.

Women are allowed preferences just like men. I wouldn’t date a fat chick lr a women who had bad teeth the list goes on. I’m 5’6 never had trouble picking up women. Even fucked women much taller than me and my sons mum is 2 inches taller.

Some women ain’t gonna date a short men some will. Stop being a butt hurt faggot

Honestly if you date a girl and they say they prefer tall guys, then you might as well not date them. I'm 5'5 and im so glad I cut these dumb bitches out of my life. Seriously met better girls who are actually really cool people to be around with then date girls who have standards over shit that isn't changeable. Stay away from girls like these and you'll be fine, they're shallow as fuck and shitty people anyways

But all apples share the genetic origin where “bigger the man, better”. So yeah, please stay sad and miserable.

Kek that's not true. It is one thing that can fuck you up becouse you can't change it. No self respecting girl would like to date midget

Grow more

This dude got it right!

nah man neck yourself with c-ment shoes

You are wrong. I have friends who are short and get tons of girls, sexy ones too. But, you have to have a lot of confidence and your own style. I’ve seen men turn it into a huge advantage, it’s all about perspective. Sure, some will not like it as everyone has a preference but many women would be turned on by the confidence in a man if he simply does. or give a fuck and is himself. The key is to not seek validation.

Walk around on your tippy toes!
Dude I have a friend that is shorter than 5'5" and he gets mad pussy. Don't let that bitch bother you, move on.

I wish she'd pet me like the filthy dog that I am, but I guess I am not a manlet like OP so she will never pet me. OP is living the dream. feelsbadman.jpg

You're an idiot and probably an incel. Don't listen to this trash, OP.

If that’s Tinder,which i suspect it is,what else did you expect?



Op expects to be treated like a human being!
OP is a human with feelings, too.

Incel detected

ok incel

pet me just right and maybe I'll knot you

Lol that's a solid dunk OP. Maybe some day you'll grow a little. Have your tied hanging in the closet with buckets on your feet?

Yeah those grapes were sour anyway.
>Me - just smashing delicious 10/10 grapes

>doesn't know how genes work: the post

I think the short dude is the involuntarily celibate one, my illogical friend

Kek. Sure, sure