What do you guys think of Ethan?
What do you guys think of Ethan?
a selfmade man like so many other americans.
Well lately he’s been called out by alot of YouTubers, for treating his guests like shit, and he was doing donation shaming, so jeff bezos donated i think 100 million to a epidemic foundation of sorts and what does ethan do? Bashes him and insults him for the donation that is gonna really help people in serious need during these times. Hes been afk in his main channel, recently uploaded when this corona shit began. Podcast is meh. Doesnt compare to say, joe rogan. Ethans podcasts seem more like an interrogation rather than just keep a convo flowing
faggot that lost all my respect
I really like H3H3, but i stopped watching him after he started to focus more on his podcast instead of his channel.
I'm just not into podcasts in general, they bore me
But after seeing everything he's been doing, i can't see him like i used to anymore
He just seems like a really salty dude who does not take criticism and always wants to win even if he's wrong.
Unfunny faggot. I just got done watching Gamerfrommars too.
I want to ram a dildo down his throat while laughing maniacally. He looks like the average porn watcher that ruined it. These grimy looking retards feel rejected and hurt when seeing good looking women being pleased and deeply rejoice when seeing the humiliation of prostitutes. A faggot well designed for an exchange with a porn-based prostitute in my opinion.
He posted a reply video and the dude who posted that removed the video and kinda apologized
an ass
a rich jew that came up from the 'react' era
i used to watch him in his early days and then he got jewed badly when the cash started to flow up his shit stained yarmulke probably hes trying to keep it up with his tranny wife and her kike family since now he has a new born, and from that moment on i unsubbed and took a big shit up his yarmulke.
hila has a dick
He is a cool guy
he created the react era
Fat, unfunny, hypocritical, mentally defective... Fuck that bitch, never liked him
found the SomeOrdinaryGamers fanboy
imagine being a bootlicker for the richest man in the world
All I want is the hila nudes. You know that she had to send nudes when she was younger. That quiet bitch was probably getting kosher dick in her 'prime'
Any arguments or just name calling?
hello guys its me, goyim!
being jewish and politically kosher helps in the algorithm I'm sure
he made his own 30 minute video arguing against every point that video made
the guy ended up apologizing and admitted h3 never donation shamed and deleting his video.
no need for me to defend h3, he did it well enough himself
I think that Ethan believes he is a lot smarter than he actually is. A lot of young men in the demographic that uses Yas Forums and the less normy side of youtube/reddit, have adopted this attitude that you should type out an essay or make an hour long video in response to whatever you don't like, and I think Ethan is a personification of that attitude.
As much as I enjoy a thought provoking video or essay, most of these videos/essays are garbage that just create strawmen that they promptly destroy, and when most of your audience are braindead morons that came in with a strong opinion waiting to be validated by your form of autism, then things don't exactly go far in the way of a civilized discourse.
Ethan is a very average man, and the average person will most likely become a bit of a dick when they get famous, as he has. He is not a journalist, nor is he particularly charismatic, so he doesn't really interview people very well, as evidenced by his painful interview with Bill Burr, who if you watch Conan, you will know is a delight to interview, when you actually know how to conduct one
He's average and kind of a dick
Hypocrite faggot, liberal backstabber (hypocritically called out PewDiePie for n word use but he's used it on air too), fat, cuck, talks too much
>mmm yes jewish cock
>Any arguments or just name calling?
The fact that he'll talk a lot of shit about a youtuber and then get them on his podcats and become "friends" with them says a lot about the kind of person he is.
pretty cool dude guy
Mediocre comedian who lost his touch. Got a little efamous for jumping on easy to defend topics. Sold out to chase the trending podcast bux that will make him a fading memory.
He used to be funny and somewhat edgy in his own way, but now just seems to be coasting. All his content is super vanilla now, but he's richer than ever so I guess I can't fault him for playing the game.