If you could have 1 superpower what would you pick?

If you could have 1 superpower what would you pick?

Pic related i would want super speed

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just super speed or the ful Flash set? cause is like wishing for retractable claws and not the healing factor

probably flight
although improved reflexes + being at the peak of human fitness would be good too

>f you could have 1 superpower what would you pick?
being rich


just lemme fuck with the electromagnetic force

Invisibility, I'm close, but not quite there.


Freeze time

Absolute charisma - have infinite charisma.

just speed. i consider the healing to be an extra power

Perfect spelling.

subatomic manipulation

freeze time just come with freezing light so you wouldn't even be able to see

I would like to be able to fart at will. Would makes conversations better when people lie to me.

Telepathy, like Professor Xavier.
Control anyone. Read anyone's mind. You could basically have anything you want and rule the world.

Detachable dick, also when it's hard it's the hardest object in the world

exactly but if you have super speed the friction would burn you

why not get something else and just steal the money

All the skin comes off your body. Flash has super endurance

The ability to refill anything with its natural contents body = blood. U.S citizens wallet = USD. Milk carton = milk

The true strength comes when using it for evil. Imagine....if you would, filling someone’s sinuses, or anus or mouth or dare I say, womb.
The results would be uncomfortable at best.

Still, never hungry or poor.

Spiderman powers, but the silk needs to shoot from my anus.

"Realistically what is the first "superpower" humans can get

Power of the Q.

Fuck you I win

Beat me to 'em.

Dream manipulation via lucid dreams, advanced flexibility via double joints...

Full control over time

Maybe he's not a nigger

Shape shifting

The power to choose my own powers everyday

The ability to manipulate the laws of the universe at will.

Steal properties from objects like friction

I’d gain the superpower of Gender Fluidity

I don't need superpowers, I believe in God.