This chick (19/f/FL) can't afford her rent this month and offered to fuck me if I pay it... Should I?
This chick (19/f/FL) can't afford her rent this month and offered to fuck me if I pay it... Should I?
those nails are fucked, fam
It'd be about 600 bucks... Condom required
How much is the rent?
So don't fuck her cuz her nails are messed up?
You flying in or ?
I think she got herp lip too
Dont user, women need to earn their pay if they want equal rights, dont be a simp
She lives in my town. She'd come over to my place, give me 3 or 4 hours, and leave
it sounds like she won't be excited to do it
are you sure it would be fun?
>can afford pets, can't afford rent
Don't worry mate, you won't have to remove the crust off your dick. just pay for the year, send her over here and I'll fuck her instead.
You're just the next guy to pay her rent, but if you're balling and dont give a fuck I'd do it .
Get consent in writing or you're going to be a convicted rapist because muh pandemic rent crisis.
I just want to tie her hands behind her back,blindfold and gag her, then fuck her until I blow.... I don't care if she enjoys it. Idk... I'm torn
I don't give a fuck about her. I don't even know her really. I was talking with her, found out she didn't pay rent, made a joke about paying it for her, and next thing I know here we are.
I'm like 10 years older than her, and it's been a while since I've hit some 19 y/o pussy. . .
What would be balling is if he fucked her and then didn't give her the money. OP do you hear me you fucking scrub?
Try to get a deal out of it like 200 per session or more if your good salesman. Sex is only worth if it's under 300 for someone that decently attractive. If she says no just blow it off, it's not worth the trouble.
You can hire an escort for less. Is there something specific about this girl you find appealing?
Y'all are right. It's a little pricey for midrange pussy
Sounds like you wanna do it regardless, I'd do like the other guy said. 2 or 3 sessions for the month to accumulate the 600.
dude, why not if you can fuck her once you can fuck her again
You need to be honest with yourself user you have never had 19yo pussy now do what I said and invite her over to fuck and do not pay her.
Yo, for 600 she shouldn't get a say in if you wear a condom. It just isn't worth it dude
You want to. Just do it bro who cares?
Don't haggle her just be aware of what you are about to do and do it.
But chances this is real are zero.
this is a fool
don't a fool wrap your tool
don't be silly wrap your willy
Shes got a cold sore(or two?) on her lip. Pass
I think, maybe.... This is a thread by the chick trying to find out if she's worth it!
600 is a lot for pussy bitch.
Maybe if she swallows
You can get better tail in any major city for a 10th of that price.
I think these hoes think they can gouge simps for their coronabux. Lexi Belle quoted me 750 for a 5min vid
>offered to fuck for money
>one time fuck
You're terrible with money or rich as fuck.