Dick rate thread, let's go faggots

Dick rate thread, let's go faggots

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10/10 would suck on

Thanks mom.

You're welcome, sweetie

son you need to shave the rest off your shit not just your cock-

I remember when I had 2 devices to "bump" a thread

10/10 looks girthy lol

>not having at least 6 devices to keep a thread going solely based around your very meh cock
bro step up

>meh cock

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bruh your tip looks like a fuckin beret

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nice looking cock, 7.5/10

Wow yes would ride

Would suck


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Camera is a little blurry but its 8 inches for length btw

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Show more!

imma need a better image than that so i can rate it appropriately

You are sexy I want to ride you

Ok babe

Attached: superhorny7.jpg (435x738, 47.37K)

nice shave, foreskin intact, little small on the tip, but overall nice cock. 9/10 would make a good trap.

yeah your cock isn't as great as it is in your head, that's life man

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man that tip looks like a pair of lungs. with the overly bulbous tip and the lack of foreskin, imma say 4/10. at least it's not small.

Thank you! I trap sometimes

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mmm nibbling on that tip would be nice

10/10 wish I were sucking on it rn

Nice fat dick OP

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That would be sexy

looking tasty, I'd love to suck on you before fucking you while playing with your cock


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I would love that I could really use a good cock

gotta work on that shave, there's some uneven spots. Slight bend to the left, and your tip looks like a satellite dish. however, the ratio of head to tip and girth are looking a-ok. overall 6/10

Ok breh.

how do you shave that bad? nice glans and decent shaft but work on your shave chief
7/10 -1 point for shave job

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looks like a thumbs up but your balls look like a chicken neck. I can't tell the size but the proportions look alright. 8/10