Why don't you own a gun Yas Forums?

Why don't you own a gun Yas Forums?

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I do, everybody should have a firearm, so you tards that don't better answer to OP

Ar15 bro here

I own many

I've got many, and I'm a Leaf

Don't need one or foresee needing one, fun and all but it adds a chance of chaos me and my family don't need.

I don't want one.

It’s called self control, if you can’t handle the responsibility of a firearm you should flip your car on the highway

Because I'm Australian

Better have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Imagine the chaos that would ensue when an armed burglar breaks into your home and possibly harma your family, you can prevent that by owning and training with a firearm to properly handle it and defend the lives of you and your family

If I don't see any net benefit the smart move is to not own one

Is the ability to defend yourself and your family not a benefit?

I can afford a safe neighborhood, more likely I shoot my kid or someone I shouldn't and go to jail or my kid finds and unlocks it and fucks around with it. In all of my extended family, about 20 family units we have 0 burglaries while someone was home and 1 shotgun through the roof on accident.

I see it as more likely to cause unintentional harm or empower me to step into a situation I should avoid.

Just picked up this fat piece of steel and plastic and got MAH CLIP loaded up with the finest of Federal's 230 grain HST hollowpoints.

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Own many.

That’s not an A2, it’s an earlier model. I have an A1 and five barrels

Relying on your neighborhood to keep you safe is foolish, and being worried about an incident is even more foolish, that's why I stated you train with it so you dont mishap, I've never had a negligent discharge, and also theres no possible way a child would unlock a safe so long as you properly secure it and once they come of age you train them and teach them the importance of weapon safety and the use of it as a tool and not a toy.
I believe everybody should have the means to defend their lives, safe neighborhoods or not, better have it and not need it than to need it and not have it

Nice man, I'm about to get a poly80 G17 9mm here soon, maybe I'll flex it on /k/ next week

Why do these OPs always post guns they don't have?

There's no shame in posting what you've got.

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>no puctures
uh huh


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>no gun at all

check my trips. tons of guns, no walthers though. which one do you want to see?

>thinks he's invulnerable to crime cuz *muh neighborhood*

you're right, a degen such as yourself shouldn't be trusted with a weapon

Because I live in a forwards thinking country.
>inb4 muricah

All these faggots using reasons like home defense or maybe hunting
Nigger the MAIN reason for the second amendment was to keep the government in check and yet the current are so retarded you can't even shorten the barrel of a gun without the feds fucking you


Came from a PSA GF3 AK-47 to a Daniel Defense M4A1 and I love her sooo much.

My AK has been collecting dust ever since.

Also, I don't keep the bipods on -- only use them at the range.

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Also, my 2,000 rounds of PMC 62gr M855 ammo came in today!

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That’s all you can get in Greece and I’m not mad at all.

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People who own guns for self defense are just paranoid cowards

Because I don't live in a shitty neighbourhood.

I do, fag

better safe than sorry

I do

Nah Yas Forumsro, I'm an Aussie, I've got a couple, good for hunting and the impending apocalypse. Handguns are a dick around but it's pretty easy to get a rifle and shotty

Tossing a hamburger at an American has a greater effect. Apparently, hundreds of American fatties die from it each year. That's what they get for being stubborn, cowardly, treacherous and irrational. All form a gestalt that pertains to stress and eating disorders.