Strippers are geeeeey.
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April 19, 2020 - 04:19
gey for pey.
Attached: 1562395234941.jpg (848x1200, 317.67K)
April 19, 2020 - 04:20
Gay for gay.
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April 19, 2020 - 04:21
The Discord channel I'm in has this as an icon. Anyone got the original at all?
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April 19, 2020 - 04:24
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April 19, 2020 - 04:24
I love how this has become a regular thing. x>
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April 19, 2020 - 04:25
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April 19, 2020 - 04:30
I have misplaced my pants.
Attached: LetoSweater.png (1446x1920, 1.52M)
April 19, 2020 - 04:32
hey snarf how are you? hey leto who needs pants anyway?
Attached: 1586631849964.png (829x1280, 415.99K)
April 19, 2020 - 04:36
Where can one find more content like this?
April 19, 2020 - 04:37
Attached: Beach time blast.png (1800x1531, 1.76M)
April 19, 2020 - 04:39
how are you leto?
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April 19, 2020 - 04:42
I'm sad.
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April 19, 2020 - 04:43
I'm good. Working about 3 days a week and being totally lazy the other days. How's you?
Attached: uTColLj48XR87NQ8vfR_fXEnEdKsCmqNCwXIblhZ_cN5FKB-CPjtP70fLyHkYY9B.gif (560x420, 153.79K)
April 19, 2020 - 04:43
awww want cuddles? been working 5 days a week and now going to be working more since people are getting sick. so tired and lewd. hi luc. hey law.
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April 19, 2020 - 04:45
The mail sure is taking a while these days.
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April 19, 2020 - 04:46
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April 19, 2020 - 04:47
Big mood about working - 5 days here as well. Tax doesn't slow down for anyone!
- Treated myself to new toys though :3
Attached: 1465021068.davioncarlyle_4836870.png (907x879, 508.8K)
April 19, 2020 - 04:47
Attached: fuckyou.gif (500x500, 196.49K)
April 19, 2020 - 04:48
My boss is being cool about the essential worker thing and them trying to limit how many people can be on the job at a given time... i.e. I'm under the limit so I can get full unemployment and worked the rest cash under the table. No one here's gotten the coof yet other than me and I was off for a couple weeks when it hit anyway.
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April 19, 2020 - 04:48
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April 19, 2020 - 04:49
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April 19, 2020 - 04:50
i agree it takes forever then snuggles for snarf! see i want to get more toys but i fall into a tax bracket so im making less than normal. thats what my brothers boss is doing. my is now making 3x my check amount.
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April 19, 2020 - 04:51
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April 19, 2020 - 04:52
I get taxed at 32.5%. Hooray for AUS. x>
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April 19, 2020 - 04:53
Start coofing, get that sweet sweet extra unemployment bucks
Attached: index.png (512x512, 154.38K)
April 19, 2020 - 04:53
ooof. see if that happens they put us on leave instead.
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April 19, 2020 - 04:54
Well, shit.
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April 19, 2020 - 04:57
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April 19, 2020 - 04:59
Bought some mods and Gameboy games
Attached: Going for a ride.png (1240x1748, 1.38M)
April 19, 2020 - 04:59
Hey foxy, what's up?
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April 19, 2020 - 05:00
ooo what gb games? and are the the original or advance? and yay mods! lewd how are you?
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April 19, 2020 - 05:02
2 GB and one GBA
Bought a mod chip for my game cube.
Attached: Bleep butt.jpg (2200x1900, 850.13K)
April 19, 2020 - 05:03
Send me cuteboi BFs.
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April 19, 2020 - 05:07
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April 19, 2020 - 05:08
Can i keep one? and nice i love all the old stuff.
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April 19, 2020 - 05:09
Meh, bored, not sure what to do.
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April 19, 2020 - 05:09