Do you like Texas?

Do you like Texas?

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Why have I seen that water tower before?

Where in Texans?

Maybe you live around there?

All of it

Yea it's good,
And it's got oil

What are your favorite parts of Texas?
And what are Texas Latinas like?

No, love it

If you don't like Texas, you're either a soyboy or butthurt Wignat from New England (or both)

Post college station girls

i live in the hill country and here and the coast are my favorite areas. panhandle is the only part i'd say is boring but at least you can farm

So you don't like Amarillo?
What are girls like in the Panhandle?

amarillo is ok. never been to the panhandle long enough to comment on the girls, though, just travelling

Is Abbott based or no?


Shiner Bock and Texas BBQ are great!
And Texas people are nice

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depends on your politics. he's sort of in between kasich and a typical governor in say alabama

They are like 66% body fat and smell like hot Cheetos

oh he is more pro-economy though being from texas too


I'm a right libertarian
I do notice that he's smart enough to not alienate people at least. While Tate Reeves in MS is blatantly pro Confederate and doesn't appeal to anyone besides rednecks

Which style of Texas BBQ is based?

hm you might like him then. he's not as conservative as some governors socially, he seems to accept gay marriage despite being against it and he does sort of try to be a moderate. he is pretty republican on the economy being a texan, as well as guns

Being against gay marriage publically (as in, publically advocating against it all the time) is pointless since it's federally legal. And creating unnecessary attention for yourself is just dumb.
I like most of what I've heard about Abbott so far, but I don't know where he stands on every issue.
I like Oklahoma's governor too.
Could I still bang hot Latinas if I openly supporter Abbott?

But he could do better on guns, he should be pushing constitutional carry.


lol yeah there are a lot of hispanics here even without the illegals

Well of course, even 30 years ago there were a lot of Hispanics statewide
But my question was if supporting Abbott was as "socially toxic" as say, supporting Trump

i fucked a dirty ass slut there a few times and it was heaven

oh. it isnt really seen as toxic to support him. there are a lot of republican hispanics but even the democrats probably see abbott as just being meh. myself i'm a socdem but i think abbott is ok for a republican. it depends on area too though cause texas is like 16 hours from east to west

Okay good, because in my experience, supporting Trump is a big pussy repellant