What Movie are we watching tonight, uncle user?

What Movie are we watching tonight, uncle user?

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Human Centipede

Attached: 9064839A-8C6E-401B-93E5-A5BFBAD1A084.jpg (2764x4096, 1.68M)

120 days of sodom

That burger looks FUCKING DISGUSTING.
I can't stand burgers that have brioche type buns.

Wtf is wrong with you?

We're watching the movie we made together when you were 6

Dude, I've fucking had enough of people selling "luxury" burgers with bricoche buns which have now fucking forced a bunch of people to sell them.



Whatever you want dude.

It looks delicious to me! :-)

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i second this they suck ass

Up The Ass #3


Bastard Out of Carolina

I've watched it. Actually torrented a bunch of so-called controversial/banned movies like the last house on the left, canibal holocaust, the serbian film and many more. Watched I spit on your grave and 120 days of sodom today. I understand why it's not appropriate for the theatre release but they are hardly anything shocking. I guess years of watching muslim beheadings and animal torture along with gore and mutilation videos makes you pretty numb to anything else

I concur.

American Psycho, afterwards i'm going to babble about random shit like Patrick Bateman does for an hour. Then we're going to watch The Greatest Story Never Told and i'm going to show you a bunch of infographics.

Yes, people who post her are routinely desensitized so none of the "shocking" suggestions have any real impact. You have to think in terms of normal people.

too young for me my nigga

also yakuza0

pretzel bun my dude


I don't think there are many normies here tbh. I guess we can discuss some interesting movies we've seen lately... don't have to be shocking or anything.. mm... have you seen Hoaxed (2019)? never heard about this movie before but then one of the youtubers I follow mentioned that it was banned by amazon and it made me want to see it. It's a movie about how media is constantly lying to the public.

Das Boot

No but that sounds interesting at least. I'll have to check it out.

Two girls one cup.

it's nothing special. there are a bunch of interviews or right-wing personalities there. not really a doc but more of a lashing out at media.
here's the trailer.

Tiger King bich

This is the end

Training Day

Hmm how's about Scott Pilgrim, kiddo?

1 man 1 jar

Were watching Dominion on youtube so that you can learn where the flesh in the sandwich you're eating came from and you can stop being a little animal abusing bitch :)


The kind where the little girl finds the salami monster between their butt-cheeks. It's okay though. The salami wasn't infected with the wuhan-virus.


>you like musicals sweetie?
>do I ever?!
>have you seen Showgirls?

kind of tired of people calling this some super deep movie. It was ok, jesus get over it.

It's like Inception all over again. Morons finally see a film that isn't mindless dumb Michael Bay shit and experience their brains being stimulated for hte first time and suddenly its "oh so deep man, you wouldn't "get it"

fucken hate ppl