So I fingered a girl for the first time yesterday.
How long is it acceptable to go without washing my hand?
So I fingered a girl for the first time yesterday
Not more than a year. That would just be gross.
Just keep sniffing it until the smell is gone
You should have washed immediately afterwards. Do you want to catch corona virus?
Until you touch your keybo... nevermind bro its too late
I would say until smelling your fingers doesn’t get you hard, faggot
This is a sad post, I wasn't aware there was people that cherish pussy this much. Even after sex I wash my dick directly afterwards, you should do the same, the essence is still there, my dude.
Until you get contacted by the police so they can check your fingers against the rape kit.
You wash immediately after sex you dumbass.
Wash your hands OP.
>the essence is still there
Send they ass a message when I send em 2 tha essence
OP here. The smell wasn't like what I was expecting. It wasn't "fishy" although it was vaguely ocean-y. And my hand is starting to smell kind of bad.
>first time
>not remembering the absolute fucking rush of hitting that dipstick after finally getting some action
if you don't cry in the shower after touching pussy for the first time, you're a faggot.
I at first thought that this question was you asking how soon you could wash your hands without making it seem like an insult. your actual question concerns me
wash your damn hands you nasty fuck
He didn't even get to stick his cock in it and now he just has a stinky finger, that's the most virgin shit of all time, just fucking crank one out and wash your finger, hit the same whore up and try to stick more than your finger in it. Fucking betaniggers, I swear.
right after you lick them buddy
Just suck your fingers then wash your hands.
I cherished my stained hands like a holy artifacts
if you weren't miles away from fucking the first time you fingered a chick then you were probably 30+ and that's the most virgin shit of all time.
Kek, I'm still not 30 or even 25 for that matter but my first time fingering a chick was definitely after my first time fucking. I hadn't even seen a vagina in person until I fucked for the first time
Lol that's fucking lame.
>LoL YoU NeVER HaD To gO HomE HoRnY BeiNg a ViRgiN WiTh a StiNky FiNgEr, WhAt A LoSEr
You're a fag.
best be carefull OP
honestly fucking this. why fuck around. if you're not cumming whats the fucking point. you guys are going for chump change. teach these young faggots.
The point is if you're fucking that young that quickly then there's already wear on those tires.
uhm okay. don't get pussy lol.
It pickled LOL.
swapping vcards is the highest high you can ever fly
Selfish idiot. Good sex isn't only about cumming.
Oh so you mean to tell me it's only okay if the girl is getting pleasure out of it? No reverse? You literally used him as a toy and sent him home with sticky underwear and you wanna call us selfish for telling the dude to at least get some pussy? You're a retard.
She literally used him as a toy**
so you're not gunna fuck if she's got a cherry. got it. got it. pass up that pussy.
In the middle of a pandemic. Fuck are you ever stupid.
>being this clueless how obvious you are
fucking cringe