Prove to me that liberals aren't child abusers. I'll wait

Prove to me that liberals aren't child abusers. I'll wait.

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prove they are

Everyone is and most parents suck.

I say that as a very mature mid twenties adult.

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Sure faggot

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White parents are.

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You have proven nothing. Next.

I worry that very soon, something like that will happen here. Trump is only the beginning. As bizzare as he can be at times, for the most part his policies are sensible. I think whoever comes after him in 2024 will be far more extreme than him.

oh god that dad, he is so fucking pissed you can see it radiating off of his bald head. I hope he got at least one normal son or daughter out of his marriage

It's so funny how you faggots assume he's mad, or disappointed, or whatever you're reading into his expression.

He didn't have to participate in that video. No one held a gun to his head. He did it because he loves and supports his child and wants them to be happy. Something your father obviously never did for you.

Yes, as awful as The Grifter is, he's not as awful as Rafael "Ted" Cruz.

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You love loli porn

This is what i predict too. What are you doing to ensure your own survival?

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How would vigilantes know unless he avtually got convicted for doing pedo shit?

>No one held a gun to his head
>He didn't have to participate in that video.

I'm sure his son would've blasted him on the internet labeling him a homophobic and trans phobic. the internet would've shredded his ass, his marriage would've fell apart he probably would've lost his job and all his friends .

>Something your father obviously never did for you
My father alone was more of a man than the 90% of white men today
cope more kike

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Didn't take long for you to reveal your true colors lol.

back to your containment board stormfag

You're delusional

Prove that conservatives aren't child abusers. Theres probably shitty parents all over the political spectrum, from fascism to communism. Every group of humans suck equally. That's why I don't discriminate I hate everyone

Go away Goldbergstein, everyone's getting tired of your nonsense

Go back to your containment desert Herschel

So deep, you have the wisdom of a 12 year old

Yeah I'm a jew, I'm a communist dirty jew trying to jew you out of your money, and you know what, we Jews are winning so yeah go suck my circumcised cock

No thanks, just leave people alone please

Look into the catholic church.

Der Sozialistische Faden. Auferstanden aus Ruinen

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Political affiliation is irrelevant you fucking dipshit.

Also there is nothing about that picture that's even remotely abusive.

This is the type of shit that finally pulled me away from my own party. I’m damn near right wing now. I’m ashamed, but not before I was beaten into submission by calling shit like this beautiful.

I don’t have a single goddamn iota of hope for this nation. Even New Yorkers are mad that the medical tents sent up in the parks aren’t transclusive enough. I’m so tired of valuing them above my own gender just because they’re brave enough to get their dick cut off with some fake tits, if they even care if their that passable. I wish I was brave enough to end it. I didn’t ask to live in this world. How’s that for body dysmorphia, I hate my body so much I can no longer stand to be in it. They wholeheartedly killed their own vibe. Sick, evil, selfish, delusional, get the goddamn children away from them

There’s arguments that you shouldn’t even have to reveal the fact that you’re trans to a partner. That’s sexual assault. That’s what they get off on.

You mean outside 79% of child molesters and pedophiles are conservative white men?

sounds like you've got a source for that

Liberals believe in families, mommies, and daddies.

They just believe that everyone should have three or four of each.

Also that the daddies should've been assigned female.

I think stupid members of a political scene shouldn't dictate your beliefs, I hate liberals, I hate SJWs and I still have leftist views on economics.

100% wrong but let's watch you mentally contort your way through this minefield you laid for yourself :)

Stuff like this reminds me of the character of Silverweed in Watership Down

What do you mean by "liberal"? The word has become somewhat abused in recent years.

anybody know where a better thread is?

Man, I used to be with you, but the moment I started having conversations with people who think like I did I realized it was all just as fucking phony.

It’s a phony, pandering ass celebrity competition. A fake gang we give too much control to. Super ma’am for example. In that situation, if I were there, I’m defending “her” rights above anyone else. Seeing it on camera, you just straight to the fearmongering. You are gonna call me what I like or I’m gonna fuck up your store.

I’ll never support any of them. I’ll always be left. But you can’t tell me they haven’t fucked themselves this time for good. It’s the same evil. Only one of them is really into this shit, and cramming it down my throat, through my asshole, and back out into my mouth.

I appreciate you trying though. Really I do. And I’m sorry. God bless.