When does leaving her stop hurting so much bros? how do you know you haven't fucked up in leaving

when does leaving her stop hurting so much bros? how do you know you haven't fucked up in leaving

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First of all, why did you leave? What did she do to you?

my girlfriend broke up with me out of the blue 2 weeks ago. i’ve never loved someone the way i loved her. nothing has interested me for quite a while now, i’m just coasting through life

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just stop being a fag

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Oldfag here... divorced twice... a string of failed relationships. Check this out; you have to love yourself first. Be strong, have goals, build confidence. Until you are a healthy, whole person, relationships will not work.

thanks but that sounds hard and i hate myself as well as existing. i have too many flaws to work with really

were you crying about her before she came into your life? Then why are you doing it now?

It gets better. In time. With time. It hurts for now. But it will get better. We all been there bro

can’t lose what you never had

millions and they all smell.

She never was yours to begin with

it's about where you put your focus.

sure, you're alone now user. nobody to pleasantly chill with and keep your psyche distracted from the gangrene in your soul. nobody to have special jokes with. nobody who can understand your dankest memes. and i'm sure nobody will peg you the same as she did. or that thing she did with her mouth....

you and your sweet cherry ass can lament. some spend their whole lives tortured by what was or what could have been.

i'd rather focus on what's there. yes. it's over. there's probably a good reason to that. don't forget that. it's painful, but it keeps things in perspective. maybe you both got tired of each other. awesome. now you don't have to deal with that. maybe she was boring. being with her will not make her exciting. maybe you are boring. at least you won't have to burden somebody you love with this bullshit. she might have pegged you well, but didn't use lube, and often left your in a fetal position, bleeding, confused, after the deed was done.

nothing is perfect. not the pedestal of the past, not now, not our future hopes and fears.

what you need to do is learn how to peg yourself. you'll be happier man.

Hey user, i am currently in a similar situation. please keep your chin up. It does get better, get a hoby, work on yourself for now, and remember the good times you had with her, and try to find solace in that.

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Wow, you actually had someone and you voluntarily left them.
Fuckin' idiot.
Enjoy dying alone with the rest of us.

This is the answer, fucking time heal scars. Time passed and you will feel like shit, where you wanna go do drug, masturbation, no reason to wake up the morning except work because you still have enough strength in you for not dying of starvation ;this time won't heal you
Only time where you know what day it is, why you wake up for, where you treat yourself and other like a human being who need to live will heal wound
Anyways not native speaker, it is my take on it, be strong user : in pain you are not alone, you don't need to.

Coz ur a faggot


Jesus fucking christ I can't stand this level of relationship faggotry.

Get the fuck off the internet and hang yourself.

Reading these threads makes me more apprehensive about telling showing my feelings for someone.

OP here, she got fired and lost all her motivation and then was followed by medical issues. when she recovered, she had no motivation to do anything except smoke and love. I couldn't support the both of us like i was much longer and left because what was best for myself. I dont love easily and seeing how much i hurt her left so much regret

I think the worst part is she was begging for another month to get herself together but I just couldn't hold on...


Women don't know how to love bro. You need to learn how to make them obsessed with you. Watch videos on YouTube, it works really good.

imagine not being able to have human connection

Doesn't sound like she was ready to be in a relationship.
