So America's POTUS has declared that the US has passed it's peak, but yet the numbers have went back up again

So America's POTUS has declared that the US has passed it's peak, but yet the numbers have went back up again.

Seriously does this guy even understand what the numbers represent.

He is so desperate to open up businesses again that he is willing to gamble, yet again, on American lives being ruined when this shit spreads even quicker.

The guy is a right and utter fuckwit. Why do you guys like him?

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Other urls found in this thread:

israel is gay

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Fucking hot, more scat pls

user hospital ER’s are empty.

How much longer would you like to pay scores of healthcare workers to do nothing?

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I’m glad goatsy is still making his rounds.


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leave it to trump supports to post gay porn and scat


I think Trump and his supporters were anti-LGBT though?

Whatever it takes to derail these stupid Orange Man Bad threads.

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orange fan mad

in name only

You must have heard this from Faux News. I’m just gonna go out on a limb here.

Yes the waiting rooms are all empty. No visitors allowed.

Speaking with several people I know involved in emergency medicine, your statement couldn’t be more inaccurate.

don't bother, you might as well try to convince a frog it shouldn't trust French people.

imagine not being able to counter any of OPs arguments so you spam porn

New York Times actually.

Is there something wrong with being gay according to you user?

No, I'm just sick of people posting political shit to Yas Forums. It doesn't belong here. Go back to Twitter with that moralfag nonsense. Yas Forums is for gore and offensive esoterica.

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This is a crock of shit. COVID government reimbursement rates are hysterically low compared to other treatments. On top of that many insurance providers have put a halt on COVID codes because they haven't built them into their systems yet. Any hospital with coders doing this would lose money like crazy. Get the fuck out of here.

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By NYT source


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Seethe harder child molesting kike. You're going down along with your friends.

>American right-wing humor here
hardy harrr harrr harrr!
now go die from Covid and your freedumb

When the Coronavirus pandemic hits its full stride because of REPUBLICAN GREED, they will be marked as the Party of DEATH for life.

Fucking useless people.

>its an NYT source
>written by a doctor actively working in a hospital

Holy fuck you two morons jumped the shark quickly ROFL

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JEW Thread, just like the nigger threads, JEW thread trying to brainwash the dumbasses on Yas Forums....JEWS suck ass

Republican will be party of death.

Democrats will be the stuttering clusterfuck of failures who got their asses handed to them in an unlosable election to a fucking Celebrity big mouth clown.

Good news for independents

It really speaks to the mentality of a Trump NPC when they hear genuine criticism of Trump (like when someone points out a lie he told, or how he's misinformed about an issue, how he contradicts himself, or how he broke a law) and the Trump supporter only hears "Orange Man Bad"
They're incapable of imagining that Trump could do anything wrong or be anything less than perfect. So they think anything bad said against him is Fake News.
That's how you know it's a cult.

hardcurrr brah bruh breh ur true oldphaggut

sure kids

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case in point

never said there was, díd I?

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Let it happen. Its just culling the weak. Fuck those people. World is overpopulated anyway


I love these neo nazis neets crying jew

>Trump supporters deny Coronavirus exists
>Coronavirus wipes them out because they're idiots who protest in big groups without MASKS.

cuz we like money and its killing tans lol

>lul shillary amirite guiz kek
2016 is four years ago, user.

I can feel the seeth from here. Not only a medical source, but a liberal publication.

Christ you must be infuriated

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sperg rage supreme edition, the post.

A lot of Republicans are seniors and this thing loves to slaughter them.

I wish this was true. But they'll spread it to other people before dying.

reee moar lol

It really speaks to the mentality of s o y boy NPCs that if someone posts gore on a political thread, then they must be a Trump supporter, even though posting gore is the original purpose of Yas Forums.

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You seem to think that its some sort of insult to Trump supporters if they are pro-LGBT.

That would only come from someone who would find it insulting to be associated with the LGBT movement

Dump people are drawn to a charismatic leader.

and yet you kids still complaining about it.

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