Matched with this slut on tinder.
Would you fuck her?
Matched with this slut on tinder.
Would you fuck her?
Yeah but I wouldnt be proud of it
Looks like a dude.
You absolutely know better than to fuck that cut scar having, menthol smoking and arm pit hair having butter golem.
I'd rather stay home and jack off because I have some semblance of standards and dignity.
True but look at those tits.
I'm willing to bet 50 pounds she's fat.
So no, I'm against fucking fatties.
Pride before pussy.
Ask her if she's cool with deepthroat
If she says yes, go for it
The only thing that will make you forget rolling around in her fat, is if she takes your dick down the throat
Trust me on this one
No. Denied
Already have and she said
"You can fuck my throat till I can't take any more."
Oh, fuck, even worse. My definite no just became "you shouldn't fuck that thing either."
Odds are she won't be able to cum because of all the psych meds, and because she didn't cum, it's gonna be a rape charge for you. Don't even message it.
Yeah but fat girl titties don't feel as nice as normal girl big titties.
>2011 + 9
>matching on tinder during quarantine
>i shiggy diggy doo
She probably smells like poop. No
If she is that slutty you must have nudes. At least share that shit.
Yeah. But, Id proudly fuck Lena Dunham... so take my opinion on women id stick my dick in with a grain of salt.
This cooz has a jawline like a boxer.
This is now a Tinder roastie/leftist hate thread
Pump and dump if you can, better getting your dick wet a couple of times than rubbing one out alone. She probably gives good head.
What are you waiting on then?
Cum on some fat titties and fuck her throat dude
I did it, and it's up there in my favourite top 10 fap bank material
The fat was a bit wierd, but cumming on big ass titties and enjoying a good throat fucking, no regrets
Ewww. Looks like that fat black chick who does the yoga period commercials.
Just do it dude. Ill bet shes fun in bed and the best part is you can not care and be terrible and she'll still clamor for your cock if youre moderately good looking
I can smell her from here
Lol toi encore. Finalement tu veux qu'on la partage?
Have such a thing for pale girls with pink lips so would impregnate/10.
Nej min ven, vi snakker ikke om frøer her.
Du bedes venligst forlade denne tråd, tak.
Sorry we only speak civilized languages, not primitive nordic gibberish
Primitive my ass nigga
shit no
ohhhh someone's a sensitive nigga
Thanks OP, I caught crabs looking at it.
Nigga please, i ain't sensitive, what you on about
I'd bet you are the sensitive nigger in here
Sir, this is a Wendy's. Please respect our staff by not calling them niggers.
you must have incredibly low standards
Nigger there's a pandemic going on. Stay home.
Hold up hold up hold up hold up
I am not allowed to say nigger, when your staff is?
This is fucked up man, and why the fuck am i at Wendy's
she's at least honest, can't say that about most hoes