Last week, I had sex with my wife for the first time in more than three years...

Last week, I had sex with my wife for the first time in more than three years. I now have a slight discharge coming from the hole in my knob that smells kind of fishy and it stings a bit when I pee.

I suspect she's given me a venereal disease that she's picked up from partying at bars after work. I don't want to tell you all the details because it makes me so upset.

Does anyone know of an over the counter treatment I can get to clear it up? This is so embarressing I don't want to have to see our family doctor about it and let everyone know what an abject failure our marriage has become.

Picture is her.

Attached: AC_infected.jpg (1607x1609, 877.12K)


Kill her, then yourself

I would punch her in the cunt

Everyone else already has by the looks of it.

I don't think there is general tests you can get... You dont have to tell the doctor anything just say the symptoms... Also feels bad & get help

Sounds like a bacteria infection. You need to see a doctor and get some antibiotics to clear it up.

if she's slutty enough to let you take that picture, then she's slutty enough to whore around on you.
>no sex in 3 years
No sex for YOU in 3 years maybe, the fuck you think is going the happen, you let your wife go out and party by herself?
dude. Welcome to being a literal cuck.

I would give her the ol' Stephen King's Misery.

Sounds like chlamydia, quite common and very easily treated and cured these days. just see your doctor and they will prescribe the medication; clears up in a few days generally.

You both have AIDS.
Consult a mortician.


Yeah, should've seen it coming I guess,

Attached: ac_black_spread.jpg (1724x1035, 437.41K)

Looks rat infested


You let that shit go out without you?
Any feet pics, while your yeast infection festers?

LOL this is spam granny from the milf threads.

I don’t have any say in what she does. She told me she couldn’t have sex because she’s going through menopause. I don’t know anything about this stuff. She’s the only woman I’ve ever been with,

Not pretty.

Sounds like her gash was infected by one of the STDs that are bacterial (pray that that is all it is). Right now is not the time to go rushing to any doctor as you are probably aware people are dying all over the place from COVID-19 the disease caused by Sars-CoV-2 (Wuhan bat virus or Lazy Chink Virus) anyways most of these STDs will ravage your genitals and body slowly over many years after the acute "discharge it burns when I pee" phase. So monitor symptoms and visit your doctor in two to three years after 1/4 to 1/3 of the US population has died. In the meantime drink as much cranberry juice as you can. To get back at your wife get your best ball-peen hammer and a thick paper back book( like a phone book but hey who has seen one of those lately) and while she is sleeping put the book to the side of her head and hit that fucker with the hammer. She'll wake up slightly stupider but not know why, just like your dick.

Top tip

This guy knows his stuff!

You can take small amounts of fish antibiotics clear your dick up. A little at a time dont kill yourself. As far as the bitch goes before you clear your dick up fuck that bitch in the ass and throat. Make sure she has what she gave you in every hole. Also document this whole thing and divorce her. W this being documented you can prob get alimony from her

Why would anyone want to bang that to start with?

>partying at bars
You’d need a few to stomach that. Presuming you’re divorcing her, count your blessings she’s off your hands OP.


Gross. Look at that thing between her legs. Women don't improve with age, do they?

bullshit. something like chlamydia can do damage to your cock. don't listen to this dude. get meds right fucking now.

* can cause damage quickly

Image dumbass

What a fucking eyesore, l feel nauseous just looking at that