Hey Yas Forums I just turned 19 an hour ago. Do the older anons have any life advice for me?
Hey Yas Forums I just turned 19 an hour ago. Do the older anons have any life advice for me?
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GTFO Yas Forums and never come back. Seriously, that's my advice.
imma second this.
Yeah, dont get married. It's all just a child support trap these days. This is exactly how my marriage worked out. It took 8 years for these series of steps to happen.
Also for most every guy I know this is the way it went down as well.
>pic related
oof, marrried the wrong person maybe? gunna try again in the future?
Enjoy your life going to shit
Don't worry this is literally my first time on here in like a year, just remember this site being a funny, raw thing and came back on my bday cause fuck it im not really super into the internet and stuff anymore had an online gaming addiction but im on top of that atm
thanks man im strapped in ready for the ride of my life (geddit)
You're life is going to get more shitty by the years
Get laid.
if you are here, that is already a bad sign.
don't get credit cards.
Being a "adult" sucks. Paying Bill's, working for the man being a pawn to society. Kids are kick ass most of the time. The other part makes you drink. Dont rush things cause it will just put you into a place where you dont want to be.
I love my family.
Now back to drinking out of a bottle while I clean my bathroom.
>Paying Bill's
Fucking Bill
The worst part is when you come to realize, that you dont pay for shit with money, you pay with it for time. That's being a adult.
this. don't become a modern slave.
enjoy the next 6 years of your life by adventuring and developing yourself physically. life will NEVER be this easy from a biological perspective.
start doing a trade and spend time making money gains and being with friends women or sex makes everything harder and more complicated
Fuck everything and anything you can while you can.
im 53 & when i was your age an old sea dog gave me this advice:
if only i had listened
Get a good job experience during/before you finish university. Get decent wealth before you marry. Start saving before you marry. Buy a property before you marry and rent a portion of it out. Be very careful who you marry. Don't chase women during school. Never get attached to anyone. If you get attached, it's always harder to let go.
Yeah.....Have a good time all the time.
support socialism
Don't you dare watch pornography.
Fuck never getting attached. The pain is something you have to accept at the start. It's part of the deal, but the highs are worth it.
Don't listen to him:
Things will usually come out as you planned it. If your plan is poor, results will be poor. If your plan is outstanding, your results will be astonishing.
Fucking take care of yourself and go to the Dr if you need to, debt is better than being crippled, also ask questions of anyone you want to get serious with, ASK ALL THE QUESTIONS
Go to the dentist once a year.