share your childhood sex stories/you being abused/you doing stuff to younger kids.
Loli images because I have no stories, lol
share your childhood sex stories/you being abused/you doing stuff to younger kids.
Loli images because I have no stories, lol
Or where can I find a dump/greentext repository
stories please!
Those glow niggers are getting crafty
Since you were so kind to dump so much loli, here's mine.
When my cousin and I were about 3 and 4 years old respectively we used to get naked and I would rub her pussy while she would rub my dick. Then we got caught.
None for me personally but my gf was raped multiple times by a family member while younger
literally who the fuck is trynna masturbate to this picture
Gonna have to try harder than that
or a story dump! I know there were a greentext dump of child sex stories.
holy shit m8 that's so fucking hot m8 thx m8
everything has its audience
not a cop, you can put copypasted greentexts
I don't know who's creepier in this picture, the CWC-faced girl or the too-many-teeth rapist dog
Is it possible to have been molested, but not remember it? I don't remember anything like that happening, but I did grow up in a psychologically abusive household for sure, and I show certain signs associated with sexual abuse. For starters, I have borderline panic attacks when it comes to IRL sexual experiences, I shy away from female affection, my self-esteem has always been shit, and my two biggest 2D fetishes are loli and /ss/.
sounds like youre a simple faggot
A long one, but definitely worth the read
When I was 5 my uncle would babysit me and he raped me repeatedly. I have permanent prostate damage a great deal of difficulty ejaculating.
sounds like bullshit bro did he break off a pipe inside you? "permanent damage"
yes, it is possible and you should see a professional, suicide is high when sexual life is shit.
Git gud and go fuck yourself.
When I was 8 days old the Rabbi cut my foreskin and then sucked the blood out of my cock
>Not a cop
That's what a cop would say.
cops wouldn't post lolis in 3dgc
Couple of weeks ago, i went inside my friends house for a glass of water and his oldest daughter (12) was taking a shower, his youngest daughter (10) said something to me that i didnt understand and quickly went barging in to the shower to ask her sister, they started talking loudly and called out my name, so i just left my glass on the table and quickly went outside to where my friend was. Because thats what a responsible adult does! No i didnt go into the shower and no i didnt answer their question.
Got sexually abused when I was 7 and now I cant cum inside my girlfriend.
My wife forced me to cum inside her last night because she wants a baby but I’m Loliphile what do
fuck the kid
Fucking beta