Do you know anyone who has committed suicide? How did it affect you?

Do you know anyone who has committed suicide? How did it affect you?
Asking cause I'm thinking about becoming an hero soon.

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You probably shouldn't. Want to talk about it? Please don't kill yourself. Choose life.

my friend I knew killed himself about 3 years ago, his family will never be the same and everyone I know that has been affected by it( including me ) has been permanently changed by it. It def changed my life for the worst.

lets a start a kik groupchat im bored and lonely uwu

A girl I had an on/off again thing with hung herself about 1.5 years ago. We were "off" at the time. I miss her and wish I had had more time with her and gotten to really know her better.

Also, a guy I used to live with, and we toured the country together in a band, blew his brains out about 5 years ago. We were still in touch but it had been awhile since I had seen him.

Both of these people were some of the funniest, most intelligent, and most cynical people I have ever know. While I miss them, I'm not angry with them. I think suicide is always justified if one doesn't want to live, and I don't begrudge them their decisions.

Also, my father either committed suicide on accident, on purpose, or was is unclear. But the only way it affected me was to make me smile because I despised him.

>You probably shouldn't
And you're probably right. I'm just tired of feeling down all the time.

It always seems that the people who kill themselves are the brightest.

Well, either the really bright, or the really dumb. My aforementioned father was really dumb. I also find this trend in addiction (which often leads there), most addicts I've known were either quite brilliant, or dumb as a box of rocks.

I can't say for certain where I land, but I also plan to an hero someday, unless something gets me by surprise first. But I want control over my own death, if possible. But I have much I still want to see and do first.

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My dad and I killed ourselves 2 years ago and we're fine.

I knew a guy who was kinda a friend like coworker. He founded a startup company and recieved $250k for the company as a grant. Then he killed himself. His company brought me in to run the thing. He was kinda wierd. Good job for me though...

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I want control over my death too. Dying by my own hand seems right, somehow.

stream it weak faggot

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If you do put the barrel of a gun in your mouth. I recommend putting peanut butter on the end so it will taste better

I wish I could say I was fine but my best friend killed himself a couple years ago and that shit fucked me up. Honestly if there's any other option, please take it. See a therapist, talk to someone, get some help. Your life is valuable

what a waste of perfectly fine dups!
also you are as weak as he was!

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Same. I've watched enough people die slowly and miserably, fuck that. When I get the news that this body's done, I'm getting a nice big shot of morphine, getting comfortable with a nice view of my favorite mountain valley, and blissing the fuck out. I understand people fear death and the thought of taking control of the situation and doing it yourself scares people to even think about, but spend some time in hospitals watching people die and then make your more informed choice about what you want to live like as you die.

can i have ur stuff? lol

How can you possibly make a recommendation without knowing anything about his life?

The only thing you have to go on is that your own life is worth living, and your inability to consider that not everyone can have the life you do. Maybe if people weren't so up their own asses and were actually considerate of others for 2 min, this world wouldn't be so fucking miserable and full of people who'd rather opt out of it.

I don't have shit except my PC.

sell everything and gimme ur money. Then you can kys
Seriously though, do you have any family or friends?

Dysfunctional family and a few good friends.

Song for Josh - Frank Turner

3 of my friends killed themself. My teacher killed himself. The best friend of a friend killed himself. My sister tried to kill herself. I tried to off myself at a point in my life. All these storys left someone heartbroken. My best friend was so involved in the suicides of this 3 friends of us, he became addictet to booze and drugs, went psychotic and lost his home. He is the most intelligent person I know. He recovered, but is still struggeling every day. The thing is, someone somewhere will be heartbroken and lose a part of themself, what will never come back to there personality or soul or mental health. It's an endless cycle and I could not recommend it. 2/10 on the suicide is badass scale.

If you decide, you want a slow death, you want to get that trip, shotgun to the head is eternal darkness, a slit wrist a journey to life to best trip of your life. But be warned, your subconscious will judge you beyond this point

Then why do you consider suicide?

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Unfortunately yes, the slow ones hurt the most. When it comes to suicide, don't half ass it. Your state of mind is forever, pain is temporary

I've always felt depressed, when I was younger I thought it was normal. Now I realize it's not and that just lead to more anger. Tired of feeling this way.

Oh I see, high survivability rate.

everything under 89.5% is stupid

I would want make sure I would definitely die.

A family friend offed himself a few years ago—people I love still regard him with regrets.&

The thing with suicide is, it can go wrong and you end up in a condition worse than death. No matter what method you choose. That is the most scary part of it.

Yeah. That would be terrible.