Florida reopened the beaches today. We're back BABY

Florida reopened the beaches today. We're back BABY.

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fox news said "florida opened beaches today, and no deaths! we told you so!'

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>now that it's everywhere nationwide
>reopen everything
Florida killing the nations stupidest retards off is a great thing. Today is a day worth noting in the history books, as the day human progress moved forward again.

>. We're back BABY
You're dead, baby

tbh it's out in the open, with sun and wind, and people usually don't randomly cuddle others they've never met before. Or maybe i am just a beta cuck and orgies on the beach are a common thing.

TL;DR; while it's maybe not the best idea, it's still by far not as risky as indoor group activities.

Texas, a hotspot, opens May 1. So does Ohio.

What could possibly happen.
Seriously though, I wouldn't wish those deaths on anyone. A lot of elderly and immune-compromised people are going to die, thanks to greedy imbeciles who want to "stick it to the libs" in the name of their retard trump.

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Man you people are seriously on one. Nobody is going to die.

Can you guys just hurry up and do this across country so you all die quicker and we can turn you into a parking lot for Mexico.

the group that will experience the worst of it will be trump voters.

Sure... cough cough cough... WHEEEEEZE... cough cough... all good *hack* here

"Of course they will faggot! Haven't you heard the media tell you literally day in and day out that we're all going to die?! How uninformed can you be to not listen to the most reputable sources of information known to man? IMBECILE!"

Alright. Except much of the information we have proves it ISN'T going to kill everyone. So your hot headedness is nothing but hot air.

37k dead in US btw

Darwin rears his head for the benefit of all mankind. And.......the state is major Democratic by November as a result.

You giant retard, what the fuck do you mean nobody is gonna die? People are gonna die, just like they die all the time, except now they are doing to die for entirely preventable reasons.

65k die to flu. This will amount to a bad flu year.

That aint shit.

It's not that it will kill everyone. Its that if everyones out and about it will kill the people that are vulnerable, because of the actions of retards like yourself.

Only... you’re wrong. You are factually wrong. This type of activity is directly what leads to infections in deaths. The church gatherings. The parties. How many times were orders violated and infections spiked immediately after amongst the groups that gathered?

How can you be correct when FACTS and LOGIC say otherwise? What do YOU know that everyone else doesn’t? Please. I’ll wait.

they've been dying by the thousands each day for weeks. donations for trump have stopped.

>nobody is going to die
2000 died yesterday

do you think the pandemic has stopped, supergenius?

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Except this isn’t a flu and has long term chronic symptoms and also has no vaccine and also has claimed 37000 lives in under 3 months. Cool story.

So, WITH social distancing it has claimed over half of your “bad flu year” statistic that you created out of thin air. And you think easing the restrictions is a good thing??

By all means! More republican voters dead or incapacitated is probably better for society!

let them get together and get sick. They are the sacrifice Trump makes to economy.
Although, they are also his user base, so he will lose the election because of this.
But he will save the economy! "economy" in this case = his friends and corporations, not the small businesses because.. fuck them.. right?

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65k in a full year
37k in 4 weeks. same thing in my small brain

absolutely safe to get together. You can't get respiratory virus if you are already brain dead.

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and that's with more people staying home then ever in history.


Here is a link to the CDC's own website on regular Flu stats. And you'll note it says "From October 1st to April 4th" So this is only stats from within the last 6 months.

And that does not even compare to TB. Here is a link to the WHO's own website for stats on that disease.

TB alone killed more than 1.5 million people in 2018 alone. The WHO labels it "one of the top 10 causes of death and the leading cause from a single infectious agent (above HIV/AIDS)."
Another reads "In 2018, an estimated 10 million people fell ill with tuberculosis(TB) worldwide. 5.7 million men, 3.2 million women and 1.1 million children. There were cases in all countries and age groups. But TB is curable and preventable."

TB has a mortality rate of 15%. WE shutting down the world for that shit? NO. It is ranked above AIDS in mortality and effects more people worldwide than almost any other disease. Wake up please.

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you forgot a record 6,129 dead in a single day.

(You really think it’s good to tout flu and TB stats in this thread? “Curable and preventible.” Your words, not mine).

Big bwain stwikes again.

Click the links you fuckin' retard. This ridiculous "coronvirus" is a joke and you're all the punchline.

cant get corona if I got gills.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!! Listen to Trump!!
Michigan is doing great!! Only 7.4% mortality rate, what can it be?

it means 7 people will die, right?

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Bout fuckin time.

Now we can just go back to our regularly scheduled worries of medical waste & sewage sludge/brown trouts washing ashore.

nah, you're fucked, baby

Obese boomers with shit heal insurance are Trump's #1 voters. I say fuck 'em, if they want to drown in their own lung secretions then go right ahead.

"Florida reopened the beaches today. "

Only bc King Donald let 'em...

Fuck states rights!

Ah, this is cute. It's like the first week here in Europe when we all had the same argument.

Don't worry, you will grow up.

It's easy to rack up the numbers when every death is counted as a conora death lel

I must have missed the announcement where you invented the vaccine and inoculated the country.

Nice Try Faggot
No one goes to those shitty beaches for any good reasons. You need to be further south in Brevard or more

if every person who had the flue and then got run over by a truck would count into the flue statistics we would have these kinds of numbers earlyer. also a flue does not reign yearly you nerd. there are parts of the year where the flue is most previlent.
but whatever

Heart disease will kill 600k this year
Cancer another 600k
The flu is still outpacing covid
pneumonia is still killing 5-10x as many as this
Its a giant media hype machine gone to its natural conclusion when you give uneducated people too much information without any point of reference.
This disease is almost exclusively killing really old people at risk of dying from a number of causes, and this is common with a new virus and is called harvesting by epidemiologists.

I bet you're begging to get tagged

But the coronovirus deaths are on top of all the flu deaths... So nearly 100,000 deaths and this ain't over.

you do realize there's no treatment for covid19? it could mutate at anytime into a deadlier pathogen?



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Why wouldn't he? They'd pay to sniff Shill Gates' rear. "Oh thank you lord Gates. Ugh *hulululul*. Shoot me up with that sweet 'ccine! *huhllylhllg*"

i liked sebastians inlet